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Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Legal Education (Ed. by Fiona Cownie, Anthony Bradney and Emma Jones) (2025)
Cownie, F., Bradney, A., & Jones, E. (2025). Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Legal Education (Ed. by Fiona Cownie, Anthony Bradney and Emma Jones)

This Concise Encyclopedia provides a thorough overview of legal education and explores diverse topics including the use of digital skills in law schools, and the intersection between law and economics and law and humanities. Carefully curated, it pre... Read More about Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Legal Education (Ed. by Fiona Cownie, Anthony Bradney and Emma Jones).

An Ensemble Modelling of Feature Engineering and Predictions for Enhanced Fake News Detection (2025)
Conference Proceeding
Asowo, P., Lal, S., & Ani, U. (2025). An Ensemble Modelling of Feature Engineering and Predictions for Enhanced Fake News Detection. .

The threat of fake news jeopardizing the credibility of online
news platforms, particularly on social media, underscores the need for innovative solutions. This paper proposes a creative engine for detecting fake news, leveraging advanced machine le... Read More about An Ensemble Modelling of Feature Engineering and Predictions for Enhanced Fake News Detection.

The Crucible of Sexual Orientation: Sexual theories and identities in nineteenth-century Germany’ (2025)
Book Chapter
Pretsell, D. (in press). The Crucible of Sexual Orientation: Sexual theories and identities in nineteenth-century Germany’. In The First Homosexuals: The Birth of a New Identity 1869-1939. New York: Phaidon Press

Late-nineteenth-century Germany was a powerhouse of modern sexual theorization. It was then and there that the various terminologies and parameters of the sexual categories we have today started to be negotiated and described. In the 1860s, the Hano... Read More about The Crucible of Sexual Orientation: Sexual theories and identities in nineteenth-century Germany’.

Implementing enterprise metaverse as a means of enhancing growth hacking performance: Will adopting the metaverse be a success in organizations? (2025)
Journal Article
Kumar, A., Shankar, A., Behl, A., Pereira, V., Kapoor, P., & Papa, A. (2025). Implementing enterprise metaverse as a means of enhancing growth hacking performance: Will adopting the metaverse be a success in organizations?. Journal of Business Research, 188, Article 115079.

This study examines the factors influencing the implementation of the enterprise metaverse within organisations and aims to define how this implementation can assist organisations in achieving growth hacking. The study employed a mixed-methods resear... Read More about Implementing enterprise metaverse as a means of enhancing growth hacking performance: Will adopting the metaverse be a success in organizations?.

Transitioning between clinical and academic practice from the perspectives of clinical academic trainees, academic training programme directors and academic supervisors: a mixed methods study (2025)
Journal Article
Payne, R., Frejah, I., Abbey, E., Badcoe, R., Delaney, B., & Mitchell, C. (in press). Transitioning between clinical and academic practice from the perspectives of clinical academic trainees, academic training programme directors and academic supervisors: a mixed methods study. BMC Medical Education, 25(1), 236.

Background: The career pathway of clinical academics in the UK is challenging. To pursue academic endeavors, trainees often undertake approved time ‘Out of Programme for Research’ (OOPR), a standalone research fellow post or join an ‘Integrated Acade... Read More about Transitioning between clinical and academic practice from the perspectives of clinical academic trainees, academic training programme directors and academic supervisors: a mixed methods study.

Proposed Diagnostic Reference Levels for Frequently Performed Paediatric Radiographic Examinations (2025)
Journal Article
Doyle, E., Dimmock, M. R., Lee, K. L., Thomas, P., & Bassed, R. B. (in press). Proposed Diagnostic Reference Levels for Frequently Performed Paediatric Radiographic Examinations. Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences,

Introduction: Paediatric diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) are dose levels for typical medical imaging examinations for broadly defined types of equipment with weight‐stratification preferred by the International Commission on Radiological Protectio... Read More about Proposed Diagnostic Reference Levels for Frequently Performed Paediatric Radiographic Examinations.

Bacterial polysaccharide lyase family 33: Specificity from an evolutionarily conserved binding tunnel (2025)
Journal Article
Loiodice, M., Drula, E., McIver, Z., Antonyuk, S., Baslé, A., Lima, M., …Cartmell, A. (2025). Bacterial polysaccharide lyase family 33: Specificity from an evolutionarily conserved binding tunnel. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 122(7), e2421623122.

Acidic glycans are essential for the biology of multicellular eukaryotes. To utilize them, microbial life including symbionts and pathogens has evolved polysaccharide lyases (PL) that cleave their 1,4 glycosidic linkages via a β-elimination mechanism... Read More about Bacterial polysaccharide lyase family 33: Specificity from an evolutionarily conserved binding tunnel.

Proteomic profiling of human plasma and intervertebral disc tissue reveals matrisomal, but not plasma, biomarkers of disc degeneration (2025)
Journal Article
Dube, C. T., Gilbert, H. T. J., Rabbitte, N., Baird, P., Patel, S., Herrera, J. A., …Richardson, S. M. (2025). Proteomic profiling of human plasma and intervertebral disc tissue reveals matrisomal, but not plasma, biomarkers of disc degeneration. Arthritis Research and Therapy, 27(1),

Intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration is a common cause of low back pain, and the most symptomatic patients with neural compression need surgical intervention to relieve symptoms. Current techniques used to diagnose IVD degeneration, suc... Read More about Proteomic profiling of human plasma and intervertebral disc tissue reveals matrisomal, but not plasma, biomarkers of disc degeneration.

Exercising an individualized process of agency in restoring a self and repairing a daily life disrupted by fibromyalgia: A narrative analysis (2025)
Journal Article
Mengshoel, A. M., Sallinen, M., Sim, J., & Ahlsen, B. (2025). Exercising an individualized process of agency in restoring a self and repairing a daily life disrupted by fibromyalgia: A narrative analysis. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 7, 1-8.

Objective: Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that has major impact on people’s lives. This study examines individuals’ illness trajectories, with a particular focus on daily life experiences and self-managing.
Methods: Narrative interviews were co... Read More about Exercising an individualized process of agency in restoring a self and repairing a daily life disrupted by fibromyalgia: A narrative analysis.

Developing an electronic Surprise Question to predict end-of-life prognosis in a prospective cohort study of acute hospital admissions (2025)
Journal Article
SINGH, B., KUMARI-DEWAT, N., RYDER, A., KLAIRE, V., JENNENS, H., AHMED, K., …PARRY, E. (2025). Developing an electronic Surprise Question to predict end-of-life prognosis in a prospective cohort study of acute hospital admissions. Clinical Medicine, Article 100292.

Determining the accuracy of a method calculating the Gold Standards Framework Surprise Question (GSFSQ) equivalent end-of-life prognosis amongst hospital inpatients.
A prospective cohort study with regression calculated 1-year mor... Read More about Developing an electronic Surprise Question to predict end-of-life prognosis in a prospective cohort study of acute hospital admissions.

Plastic deformation of anterior cruciate ligament: listen to the patient, do not just rely on imaging (2025)
Journal Article
Piedade, S. R., Ferreira, D. M., Górios, C., & Maffulli, N. (in press). Plastic deformation of anterior cruciate ligament: listen to the patient, do not just rely on imaging. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 20(1), Article 144.

Purpose: Diagnosing plastic deformation of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is challenging: patients may not report knee instability, and MRI may not confirm the lesion, delaying adequate treatment. This study analyzed clinical findings and compl... Read More about Plastic deformation of anterior cruciate ligament: listen to the patient, do not just rely on imaging.

30-day Unplanned Readmission Rates and Causes in Patients Hospitalized for Acute Coronary Syndrome Based on DANish CoMorbidity Index for Acute Myocardial Infarction Score. (2025)
Journal Article
Sokhal, B. S., Matetić, A., Marshall, M., Twohig, H., Shepherd, T., Mallen, C. D., & Mamas, M. A. (2025). 30-day Unplanned Readmission Rates and Causes in Patients Hospitalized for Acute Coronary Syndrome Based on DANish CoMorbidity Index for Acute Myocardial Infarction Score. Hellenic Journal of Cardiology,

This study aimed to investigate the association of the DANish CoMorbidity Index for Acute Myocardial Infarction (DANCAMI) score with 30-day unplanned readmission rates and causes in patients with acut... Read More about 30-day Unplanned Readmission Rates and Causes in Patients Hospitalized for Acute Coronary Syndrome Based on DANish CoMorbidity Index for Acute Myocardial Infarction Score..