'I'm just ringing to get a repeat prescription for my contraceptive pill, doctor': developing authentic simulated telephone consultations for medical students.
Journal Article
Beddows, J., Abdalla, M., Blanchard, D., Hammond, E., Hay, F., Webb, M., & Protheroe, J. (2021). 'I'm just ringing to get a repeat prescription for my contraceptive pill, doctor': developing authentic simulated telephone consultations for medical students. Education for Primary Care, 32(5), 303-307. https://doi.org/10.1080/14739879.2021.1915708
Within normal surgery hours telephone consultations have been previously shown to make up between 10-20% of patient contacts with General Practitioners (GPs) and to comprise a large proportion of a GP's daily workload. Although obviously very useful,... Read More about 'I'm just ringing to get a repeat prescription for my contraceptive pill, doctor': developing authentic simulated telephone consultations for medical students..