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Introduction (2023)
Book Chapter
Sadek, H., & Jones, S. (2023). Introduction. In Contemporary British Muslim Arts and Cultural Production (1-21). Abingdon: Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

After more than 15 years of state securitisation, hostile media coverage and rising levels of Islamophobia, many Muslims in the UK express a widespread sense of being held ‘under siege – spied on, interrogated, routinely asked to “put their house in... Read More about Introduction.

Contemporary British Muslim Arts and Cultural Production (Ed. Sadek Hamid and Stephen H. Jones) (2023)
Jones, S. H. (2023). S. Hamid (Ed.). Contemporary British Muslim Arts and Cultural Production (Ed. Sadek Hamid and Stephen H. Jones). Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

This unique collaboration between scholars, practitioners and Muslim artists profiles emerging forms of contemporary British Muslim art, prompting a debate about its purpose and its inclusion in UK society. It features analysis of Muslim art as a cat... Read More about Contemporary British Muslim Arts and Cultural Production (Ed. Sadek Hamid and Stephen H. Jones).

Diversification and internationalization in the sociological study of science and religion (2019)
Journal Article
Catto, R., H. Jones, S., Kaden, T., & Elsdon‐Baker, F. (2019). Diversification and internationalization in the sociological study of science and religion. Sociology Compass, 13(8), Article e12721.

Classical sociology addressed the relationship between science and religion, but interest in the topic waned during the 20th century. A second wave of research has emerged in the 21st century, focusing on scientists' (ir)religiosity, evolution, and t... Read More about Diversification and internationalization in the sociological study of science and religion.

Science, Belief and Society: International Perspectives on Religion, Non-Religion and the Public Understanding of Science (Ed. Stephen H. Jones, Tom Kaden and Rebecca Catto) (2019)
Jones, S. H. (2020). T. Kaden, & R. Catto (Eds.). Science, Belief and Society: International Perspectives on Religion, Non-Religion and the Public Understanding of Science (Ed. Stephen H. Jones, Tom Kaden and Rebecca Catto). Oxford University Press (OUP).

Language, Labels and Lived Identity in Debates about Science, Religion and Belief (2019)
Book Chapter
Kaden, T., Jones, S. H., Catto, R., & Davie, G. Language, Labels and Lived Identity in Debates about Science, Religion and Belief. In Science, Belief and Society: International Perspectives on Religion, Non-Religion and the Public Understanding of Science. Oxford University Press.

In public discussion and polling on the subject of science and belief people’s views are often subsumed under identity labels such as ‘Creationism’, ‘Darwinism’, ‘New Atheism’, ‘Intelligent Design’ and ‘Theistic Evolutionism’. Often, these labels are... Read More about Language, Labels and Lived Identity in Debates about Science, Religion and Belief.

Religious literacy in higher education (2015)
Book Chapter
Jones, S. H. (2015). Religious literacy in higher education. In Religious Literacy in Secular Society: Theories, Policies and Practices of Faith in the Public Realm (187-206). Bristol: Policy Press.

In recent years, a number of authors have highlighted the role that universities could potentially play in improving the public conversation about religion and belief (Gilliat-Ray, 2000, p 59; Prothero, 2008, p 173; Woodhead, 2009, p 28). Ford (2004,... Read More about Religious literacy in higher education.