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Najmul Haider's Outputs (7)

Unusually High Mortality in Waterfowl Caused by Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) in Bangladesh (2017)
Journal Article
Haider, N. (2017). Unusually High Mortality in Waterfowl Caused by Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) in Bangladesh. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 144 - 156.

Mortality in ducks and geese caused by highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) infection had not been previously identified in Bangladesh. In June–July 2011, we investigated mortality in ducks, geese and chickens with suspected H5N1 infection in a... Read More about Unusually High Mortality in Waterfowl Caused by Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) in Bangladesh.

Serological evidence of hepatitis E virus infection in pigs and jaundice among pig handlers in Bangladesh (2017)
Journal Article
Haider, N., Khan, M., Hossain, M., Sazzad, H., Rahman, M., Ahmed, F., & Zeidner, N. (2017). Serological evidence of hepatitis E virus infection in pigs and jaundice among pig handlers in Bangladesh. Zoonoses and Public Health, 572 - 577.

Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is the most common cause of viral hepatitis in humans. Pigs may act as a reservoir of HEV, and pig handlers were frequently identified with a higher prevalence of antibodies to HEV. The objectives of this study were to identif... Read More about Serological evidence of hepatitis E virus infection in pigs and jaundice among pig handlers in Bangladesh.

Raising Backyard Poultry in Rural Bangladesh: Financial and Nutritional Benefits, but Persistent Risky Practices (2017)
Journal Article
Shanta, I., Hasnat, M., Zeidner, N., Gurley, E., Azziz-Baumgartner, E., Sharker, M., …Luby, S. (2017). Raising Backyard Poultry in Rural Bangladesh: Financial and Nutritional Benefits, but Persistent Risky Practices. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 1454 - 1464.

Poultry is commonly raised by households in rural Bangladesh. In 2007, the Government of Bangladesh began a mass media campaign to disseminate 10 recommended precautions to prevent transmission of H5N1 from poultry to humans. This longitudinal study... Read More about Raising Backyard Poultry in Rural Bangladesh: Financial and Nutritional Benefits, but Persistent Risky Practices.

Mild Respiratory Illness Among Young Children Caused by Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Virus Infection in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2011. (2017)
Journal Article
A, C., M, R., MJ, H., SU, K., MS, H., R, S., …K, S. (2017). Mild Respiratory Illness Among Young Children Caused by Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Virus Infection in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2011. Journal of Infectious Diseases, S520 - S528.

In March 2011, a multidisciplinary team investigated 2 human cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus infection, detected through population-based active surveillance for influenza in Bangladesh, to assess transmission and... Read More about Mild Respiratory Illness Among Young Children Caused by Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Virus Infection in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2011..

Microclimatic temperatures increase the potential for vector-borne disease transmission in the Scandinavian climate (2017)
Journal Article
Haider, N., Kirkeby, C., Kristensen, B., Jung Kjær, L., Havskov Sørensen, J., & Bødker, R. (2017). Microclimatic temperatures increase the potential for vector-borne disease transmission in the Scandinavian climate. Scientific reports,

We quantified the difference between the meteorological temperature recorded by the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) weather stations and the actual microclimatic temperatures at two or three different heights at six potential insect habitats. W... Read More about Microclimatic temperatures increase the potential for vector-borne disease transmission in the Scandinavian climate.

Efficiency of the Clinical Veterinary Diagnostic Practices and Drug Choices for Infectious Diseases in Livestock in Bangladesh (2017)
Journal Article
Haider, N., Khan, S., Islam, A., Osmani, M., Rahman, M., Epstein, J., …Zeidner, N. (2017). Efficiency of the Clinical Veterinary Diagnostic Practices and Drug Choices for Infectious Diseases in Livestock in Bangladesh. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 1329 - 1333.

As in most low-income countries, adequate laboratory facilities are not available in Bangladesh to assist veterinarians in diagnosing animal diseases. We aimed to determine the efficiency of veterinary diagnoses for two common ruminant diseases in Ba... Read More about Efficiency of the Clinical Veterinary Diagnostic Practices and Drug Choices for Infectious Diseases in Livestock in Bangladesh.

Biosecurity Conditions in Small Commercial Chicken Farms, Bangladesh 2011–2012 (2017)
Journal Article
Muhsina, M., Uddin, B., Rimi, N., Sultana, R., Haider, N., Nahar, N., …Zeidner, N. (2017). Biosecurity Conditions in Small Commercial Chicken Farms, Bangladesh 2011–2012. EcoHealth, 244 - 258.

In Bangladesh, highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 is endemic in poultry. This study aimed to understand the biosecurity conditions and farmers’ perception of avian influenza biosecurity in Bangladeshi small commercial chicken farms. During 2011–2... Read More about Biosecurity Conditions in Small Commercial Chicken Farms, Bangladesh 2011–2012.