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Najmul Haider's Outputs (9)

Identifying weather patterns affecting household date palm sap consumption in Bangladesh, 2013–2016 (2024)
Journal Article
Jackson, J., Sultana Shanta, I., McKee, C., P. Luby, S., Haider, N., Sharker, Y., …S. Gurley, E. (2024). Identifying weather patterns affecting household date palm sap consumption in Bangladesh, 2013–2016. PloS one, 1-11.

Nipah virus spillovers via consumption of date palm sap in Bangladesh vary substantially between years and have been associated with lower winter temperatures and precipitation. However, the mechanisms driving the interannual variation and the influe... Read More about Identifying weather patterns affecting household date palm sap consumption in Bangladesh, 2013–2016.

Risk factors associated with cutaneous anthrax outbreaks in humans in Bangladesh (2024)
Journal Article
Chowdhury, S., Islam, M. S., Haider, N., Hossain, M. B., Alam, M. A., Sharif, M. A. R., …Haque, F. (in press). Risk factors associated with cutaneous anthrax outbreaks in humans in Bangladesh. Frontiers in Public Health, 12, Article 1442937.

Objectives: To determine the risk factors associated with cutaneous anthrax infection in humans. Methods: During 2013–2016, we investigated total 26 anthrax outbreaks across the country. We additionally conducted a case–control study to identify risk... Read More about Risk factors associated with cutaneous anthrax outbreaks in humans in Bangladesh.

Global landmark: 2023 marks the worst year for dengue cases with millions infected and thousands of deaths reported (2024)
Journal Article
Haider, N., Nayeem Hasan, M., Onyango, J., & Asaduzzaman, M. (2024). Global landmark: 2023 marks the worst year for dengue cases with millions infected and thousands of deaths reported. IJID Regions, 13, Article 100459.

In 2023, the world experienced the worst dengue virus (DENV) outbreak on record. This study aims to identify global regions and continents with a high burden of Dengue in 2023.... Read More about Global landmark: 2023 marks the worst year for dengue cases with millions infected and thousands of deaths reported.

The role of new dengue vaccines in curtailing the emerging global threat of dengue outbreaks arising from mass gathering sporting and religious events. (2024)
Journal Article
Petersen, E., Elton, L., Haider, N., McHugh, T. D., Dar, O., Sharma, A., …Zumla, A. (2024). The role of new dengue vaccines in curtailing the emerging global threat of dengue outbreaks arising from mass gathering sporting and religious events. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Article 107216.

Rabies control in Bangladesh and prediction of human rabies cases by 2030: a One Health approach (2024)
Journal Article
Ghosh, S., Nayeem Hasan, M., Deb Nath, N., Haider, N., Higgins Jones, D., Kamrul Islam, M., …Nazmul Islam, M. (2024). Rabies control in Bangladesh and prediction of human rabies cases by 2030: a One Health approach. The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia, 27, Article 100452.

Bangladesh is making progress toward achieving zero dog-mediated rabies deaths by 2030, a global goal set in 2015.

Drawing from multiple da... Read More about Rabies control in Bangladesh and prediction of human rabies cases by 2030: a One Health approach.

Two decades of endemic dengue in Bangladesh (2000–2022): trends, seasonality, and impact of temperature and rainfall patterns on transmission dynamics (2024)
Journal Article
Hasan, M. N., Khalil, I., Chowdhury, M. A. B., Rahman, M., Asaduzzaman, M., Billah, M., …Haider, N. (in press). Two decades of endemic dengue in Bangladesh (2000–2022): trends, seasonality, and impact of temperature and rainfall patterns on transmission dynamics. Journal of Medical Entomology, Article tjae001.

The objectives of this study were to compare dengue virus (DENV) cases, deaths, case-fatality ratio [CFR], and meteorological parameters between the first and the recent decades of this century (2000–2010 vs. 2011–2022) and to describe the trends, se... Read More about Two decades of endemic dengue in Bangladesh (2000–2022): trends, seasonality, and impact of temperature and rainfall patterns on transmission dynamics.

Two decades of endemic dengue in Bangladesh (2000–2022): trends, seasonality, and impact of temperature and rainfall patterns on transmission dynamics (2024)
Journal Article
Nayeem Hasan, M., Khalil, I., Baker Chowdhury, M. A., Rahman, M., Asaduzzaman, M., Billah, M., …Haider, N. (in press). Two decades of endemic dengue in Bangladesh (2000–2022): trends, seasonality, and impact of temperature and rainfall patterns on transmission dynamics. GreSIS - Greater South Information System,

The objectives of this study were to compare dengue virus (DENV) cases, deaths, case-fatality ratio [CFR], and meteorological parameters between the first and the recent decades of this century (2000-2010 vs. 2011-2022) and to describe the trends, se... Read More about Two decades of endemic dengue in Bangladesh (2000–2022): trends, seasonality, and impact of temperature and rainfall patterns on transmission dynamics.

Two decades of endemic dengue in Bangladesh (2000–2022): trends, seasonality, and impact of temperature and rainfall patterns on transmission dynamics (2024)
Journal Article
Nayeem Hasan, M., Khalil, I., Baker Chowdhury, M. A., Rahman, M., Asaduzzaman, M., Billah, M., …Haider, N. (in press). Two decades of endemic dengue in Bangladesh (2000–2022): trends, seasonality, and impact of temperature and rainfall patterns on transmission dynamics. Journal of Medical Entomology, 61(2), 345-353.

The objectives of this study were to compare dengue virus (DENV) cases, deaths, case-fatality ratio [CFR], and meteorological parameters between the first and the recent decades of this century (2000-2010 vs. 2011-2022) and to describe the trends, se... Read More about Two decades of endemic dengue in Bangladesh (2000–2022): trends, seasonality, and impact of temperature and rainfall patterns on transmission dynamics.