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Nicholas Wright's Outputs (8)

Deep Chandra Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud. III. Formation Efficiency of High-mass X-Ray Binaries (2019)
Journal Article
Wright. (2019). Deep Chandra Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud. III. Formation Efficiency of High-mass X-Ray Binaries. Astrophysical Journal,

We have compiled the most complete census of high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) in the Small Magellanic Cloud with the aim to investigate the formation efficiency of young accreting binaries in its low-metallicity environment. In total, we use 123 X-ra... Read More about Deep Chandra Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud. III. Formation Efficiency of High-mass X-Ray Binaries.

Kinematic signatures of cluster formation from cool collapse in the Lagoon Nebula cluster NGC 6530 (2019)
Journal Article
Wright. (2019). Kinematic signatures of cluster formation from cool collapse in the Lagoon Nebula cluster NGC 6530. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2694 -2701.

We examine the mass dependence of the velocity dispersion of stars in the young cluster NGC 6530 to better understand how it formed. Using a large sample of members we find that the proper motion velocity dispersion increases with stellar mass. While... Read More about Kinematic signatures of cluster formation from cool collapse in the Lagoon Nebula cluster NGC 6530.

Dynamical evolution of star-forming regions: III. Unbound stars and predictions for Gaia (2019)
Journal Article
Schoettler, C., Parker, R. J., Arnold, B., Grimmett, L. P., de Bruijne, J., & Wright, N. J. (2019). Dynamical evolution of star-forming regions: III. Unbound stars and predictions for Gaia. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 4615-4630.

We use N-body simulations to probe the early phases of the dynamical evolution of star-forming regions and focus on mass and velocity distributions of unbound stars. In this parameter space study, we vary the initial virial ratio and degree of spatia... Read More about Dynamical evolution of star-forming regions: III. Unbound stars and predictions for Gaia.

Expanding associations in the Vela-Puppis region - 3D structure and kinematics of the young population (2019)
Journal Article
Cantat-Gaudin, T., Jordi1, C., Wright, N., Armstrong, J., Vallenari, A., Balaguer-Núñez, L., …Jeffries, R. (2019). Expanding associations in the Vela-Puppis region - 3D structure and kinematics of the young population. Astronomy and Astrophysics, A17 - A17.

Context. The Vela-Puppis region is known to host the Vela OB2 association as well as several young clusters featuring OB and pre-main-sequence stars. Several spatial and kinematic subgroups have been identified in recent years. Aims. By grouping star... Read More about Expanding associations in the Vela-Puppis region - 3D structure and kinematics of the young population.

The O star hinterland of the Galactic starburst, NGC 3603 (2019)
Journal Article
Wright. (2019). The O star hinterland of the Galactic starburst, NGC 3603. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1034-1044.

The very bright and compact massive young cluster, NGC 3603, has been cited as an example of a starburst in the Milky Way and compared with the much-studied R136/30 Doradus region in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Here we build on the discovery by Mohr-... Read More about The O star hinterland of the Galactic starburst, NGC 3603.

Disentangling the spatial substructure of Cygnus OB2 from Gaia DR2 (2019)
Journal Article
Wright. (2019). Disentangling the spatial substructure of Cygnus OB2 from Gaia DR2. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1838 -1842.

For the first time, we have explored the spatial substructure of the Cygnus OB2 association using parallaxes from the recent second Gaia data release. We find significant line-of-sight substructure within the association, which we quantify using a pa... Read More about Disentangling the spatial substructure of Cygnus OB2 from Gaia DR2.

The Gaia-ESO Survey: asymmetric expansion of the Lagoon Nebula cluster NGC 6530 from GES and Gaia DR2 (2019)
Journal Article
Wright, N. J., Jeffries, R. D., Jackson, R. J., Bayo, A., Bonito, R., Damiani, F., …Zaggia, S. (2019). The Gaia-ESO Survey: asymmetric expansion of the Lagoon Nebula cluster NGC 6530 from GES and Gaia DR2. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 486(2), 2477-2493.

The combination of precise radial velocities from multi-object spectroscopy and highly accurate proper motions from Gaia DR2 opens up the possibility for detailed 3D kinematic studies of young star-forming regions and clusters. Here, we perform such... Read More about The Gaia-ESO Survey: asymmetric expansion of the Lagoon Nebula cluster NGC 6530 from GES and Gaia DR2.

The Gaia-ESO Survey: Age spread in the star forming region NGC 6530 from the HR diagram and gravity indicators (2019)
Journal Article
Prisinzano, L., Damiani, F., Kalari, V., Jeffries, R., Bonito, R., Micela, G., …Zaggia, S. (2019). The Gaia-ESO Survey: Age spread in the star forming region NGC 6530 from the HR diagram and gravity indicators. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 623, Article A159.

Context. In very young clusters, stellar age distribution is empirical proof of the duration of star cluster formation and thus it gives indications of the physical mechanisms involved in the star formation process. Determining the amount of interste... Read More about The Gaia-ESO Survey: Age spread in the star forming region NGC 6530 from the HR diagram and gravity indicators.