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Gavin Miller's Outputs (2)

A latent reactive handle for functionalising heparin-like and LMWH deca- and dodecasaccharides (2015)
Journal Article
Miller, Miller, G. J., Broberg, K. R., Rudd, C., Helliwell, M. R., Jayson, G. C., & Gardiner, J. M. (2015). A latent reactive handle for functionalising heparin-like and LMWH deca- and dodecasaccharides. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 13(46), 11208-11219.

D-Glucosamine derivatives bearing latent O4 functionality provide modified H/HS-type disaccharide donors for a final stage capping approach enabling introduction of conjugation-suitable, non-reducing terminal functionality to biologically important g... Read More about A latent reactive handle for functionalising heparin-like and LMWH deca- and dodecasaccharides.

Modular Synthesis of Heparin-Related Tetra-, Hexa- and Octasaccharides with Differential O-6 Protections: Programming for Regiodefined 6-O-Modifications (2015)
Journal Article
BarĂ¡th, M., Hansen, S. U., Dalton, C. E., Jayson, G. C., Miller, G. J., & Gardiner, J. M. (2015). Modular Synthesis of Heparin-Related Tetra-, Hexa- and Octasaccharides with Differential O-6 Protections: Programming for Regiodefined 6-O-Modifications. Molecules, 20(4), 6167 - 6180.

Heparin and heparan sulphate (H/HS) are important members of the glycosaminoglycan family of sugars that regulate a substantial number of biological processes. Such biological promiscuity is underpinned by hetereogeneity in their molecular structure.... Read More about Modular Synthesis of Heparin-Related Tetra-, Hexa- and Octasaccharides with Differential O-6 Protections: Programming for Regiodefined 6-O-Modifications.