Cultures of Anti-Racism in Latin America and the Caribbean
Book Chapter
Montero-Diaz, R. (2019). Cultures of Anti-Racism in Latin America and the Caribbean. In P. Wade, J. Scorer, & I. Aguiló (Eds.), Cultures of Anti-Racism in Latin America and the Caribbean (167-190). University of London Press.
Dr Rita Fiorella Montero Diaz's Outputs (6)
White cholos? Discourses around race, whiteness and Lima’s fusion music (2019)
Book Chapter
Montero-Diaz, F. (2019). White cholos? Discourses around race, whiteness and Lima’s fusion music. In Cultures of Anti-Racism in Latin America and the Caribbean (167-190). University of London Press
'Andean Music', Oxford Bibliographies in Latin American Studies (2019)
Book Chapter
Montero Diaz, F., & Stobart, H. (2019). 'Andean Music', Oxford Bibliographies in Latin American Studies. In Latin American Studies. chapter.
Marginal ¡como tú! Las clases altas tradicionales limeñas construyendo ciudadanía a través de la música fusión (2019)
Presentation / Conference
Montero Diaz, R. (2019, July). Marginal ¡como tú! Las clases altas tradicionales limeñas construyendo ciudadanía a través de la música fusión. Presented at 4th SIMM-posium – organized by the SIMM-platform (Social Impact of Making Music), Bogota, Colombia
Marginal like you!: constructing citizenship through fusion music in the Peruvian traditional upper classes (2019)
Book Chapter
Montero Diaz, R. (2019). Marginal like you!: constructing citizenship through fusion music in the Peruvian traditional upper classes. In Citizenship in the Latin American Upper and Middle Classes: Ethnographic Perspectives on Culture and Politics (62 -79). is divided by intricate categorisations of class, race and ethnicity. The urban white upper classes have historically topped Lima’s socio-ethnic hierarchy and kept to their own. Contemporary studies on this stratum are scarce, but mostly describ... Read More about Marginal like you!: constructing citizenship through fusion music in the Peruvian traditional upper classes.
Citizenship in the Latin American Upper and Middle Classes: Ethnographic Perspectives on Culture and Politics (Ed. by Fiorella Montero-Diaz) (2019)
Montero-Diaz, F. F. Montero-Diaz, & F. Winter (Eds.). Citizenship in the Latin American Upper and Middle Classes: Ethnographic Perspectives on Culture and Politics (Ed. by Fiorella Montero-Diaz). Routledge.