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Professor Adrian Brunt's Outputs (4)

Acute skin toxicity associated with a 1-week schedule of whole breast radiotherapy compared with a standard 3-week regimen delivered in the UK FAST-Forward Trial (2016)
Journal Article
Brunt, A. M., Wheatley, D., Yarnold, J., Somaiah, N., Kelly, S., Harnett, A., …Bliss, J. M. (2016). Acute skin toxicity associated with a 1-week schedule of whole breast radiotherapy compared with a standard 3-week regimen delivered in the UK FAST-Forward Trial. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 120(1), 114-118.

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: FAST-Forward is a phase 3 clinical trial testing a 1-week course of whole breast radiotherapy against the UK standard 3-week regimen after primary surgery for early breast cancer. Two acute skin toxicity substudies were undert... Read More about Acute skin toxicity associated with a 1-week schedule of whole breast radiotherapy compared with a standard 3-week regimen delivered in the UK FAST-Forward Trial.

Comparison of CT-volumed supraclavicular fossa radiotherapy planning and conventional simulator-planned defined by bony landmarks for early breast cancer (2016)
Journal Article
Brunt, A. M., Lupton, S., Thorley, K., Pearce, L., & Handley, J. (2016). Comparison of CT-volumed supraclavicular fossa radiotherapy planning and conventional simulator-planned defined by bony landmarks for early breast cancer. Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy, 21(3), 219-224.

A comparison of techniques, CT planning of the supraclavicular fossa and field based simulation. We highlight CT planned SCF radiotherapy which would be useful for a centre introducing the technique.

Development of radiotherapy te... Read More about Comparison of CT-volumed supraclavicular fossa radiotherapy planning and conventional simulator-planned defined by bony landmarks for early breast cancer.

Partial breast radiotherapy for women with early breast cancer: First results of local recurrence data for IMPORT LOW (CRUK/06/003) (2016)
Presentation / Conference
Coles, C., Agrawal, R., Ah-See, M., Algurafi, H., Alhasso, A., Brunt, A., …Bliss, J. (2016, March). Partial breast radiotherapy for women with early breast cancer: First results of local recurrence data for IMPORT LOW (CRUK/06/003). Paper presented at 10th European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC-10)

Background: IMPORT LOW is a randomised, multi-centre phase III trial testing partial breast radiotherapy (RT) using intensity modulated RT in women with low risk early stage breast cancer, for whom late complications of RT are the dominant hazard rat... Read More about Partial breast radiotherapy for women with early breast cancer: First results of local recurrence data for IMPORT LOW (CRUK/06/003).