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Professor Adrian Brunt's Outputs (6)

Cost-effectiveness of 5 fraction and partial breast radiotherapy for early breast cancer in the UK: model-based multi-trial analysis. (2022)
Journal Article
Glynn, D., Bliss, J., Brunt, A. M., Coles, C. E., Wheatley, D., Haviland, J. S., …Griffin, S. (2022). Cost-effectiveness of 5 fraction and partial breast radiotherapy for early breast cancer in the UK: model-based multi-trial analysis. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 197, 405-416.

PURPOSE: We estimated the cost-effectiveness of 4 radiotherapy modalities to treat early breast cancer in the UK. In a subgroup of patients eligible for all modalities, we compared whole-breast (WB) and partial breast (PB) radiotherapy delivered in e... Read More about Cost-effectiveness of 5 fraction and partial breast radiotherapy for early breast cancer in the UK: model-based multi-trial analysis..

Combined Perioperative Lapatinib and Trastuzumab in Early HER2-Positive Breast Cancer Identifies Early Responders: Randomized UK EPHOS-B Trial Long-Term Results (2022)
Journal Article
Bundred, N., Porta, N., Brunt, A. M., Cramer, A., Hanby, A., Shaaban, A. M., …Bliss, J. M. (2022). Combined Perioperative Lapatinib and Trastuzumab in Early HER2-Positive Breast Cancer Identifies Early Responders: Randomized UK EPHOS-B Trial Long-Term Results. Clinical Cancer Research, 28(7), 1323 - 1334.

PURPOSE: EPHOS-B aimed to determine whether perioperative anti-HER2 therapy inhibited proliferation and/or increased apoptosis in HER2-positive breast cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This randomized phase II, two-part, multicenter trial included newly... Read More about Combined Perioperative Lapatinib and Trastuzumab in Early HER2-Positive Breast Cancer Identifies Early Responders: Randomized UK EPHOS-B Trial Long-Term Results.

The challenge of equipoise: qualitative interviews exploring the views of health professionals and women with multiple ipsilateral breast cancer on recruitment to a surgical randomised controlled feasibility trial (2022)
Journal Article
Ingram, J., Beasant, L., Benson, J., Brunt, A. M., Maxwell, A., Harvey, J. R., …Winters, Z. (2022). The challenge of equipoise: qualitative interviews exploring the views of health professionals and women with multiple ipsilateral breast cancer on recruitment to a surgical randomised controlled feasibility trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 8(1), Article ARTN 46.

A multicentre feasibility trial (MIAMI), comparing outcomes and quality of life of women with multiple ipsilateral breast cancer randomised to therapeutic mammoplasty or mastectomy, was conducted from September 2018 to March 2020. The MIA... Read More about The challenge of equipoise: qualitative interviews exploring the views of health professionals and women with multiple ipsilateral breast cancer on recruitment to a surgical randomised controlled feasibility trial.