When the World Throws You a Curve Ball: Lessons Learned in Breast Cancer Management
Journal Article
Obeng-Gyasi, S., Coles, C. E., Jones, J., Sacks, R., Lightowlers, S., Bliss, J. M., …Kalinsky, K. (2021). When the World Throws You a Curve Ball: Lessons Learned in Breast Cancer Management. American Society of Clinical Oncology educational book, 41(41), e79-e89. https://doi.org/10.1200/edbk_320691
In the care of patients with operable breast cancer, there has been a shift toward increasing use of neoadjuvant therapy. There are benefits to neoadjuvant therapy, such as monitoring for response, as well as an increased rate of breast conservation... Read More about When the World Throws You a Curve Ball: Lessons Learned in Breast Cancer Management.