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Simon White's Outputs (4)

Fit for purpose? A qualitative study of key stakeholders’ perspectives on pharmaceutical needs assessments. (2014)
Presentation / Conference
Hamilton, J., Cork, T., Zaman, H., & White, S. (2014, September). Fit for purpose? A qualitative study of key stakeholders’ perspectives on pharmaceutical needs assessments. Poster presented at Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), Annual Conference 2014, ICC Birmingham UK

PNAs were introduced in 2004, revised by Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) between 2009 and 2011 and, since April 2013, are in the process of being reviewed again by the new Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWBs) for completion in 2015. A previous questionnaire... Read More about Fit for purpose? A qualitative study of key stakeholders’ perspectives on pharmaceutical needs assessments..

Pharmacy students’ perceptions on interacting with people with mental health problems: a qualitative study (2014)
Conference Proceeding
Sidhu, J., Zamanb, H., & White, S. (2014). Pharmacy students’ perceptions on interacting with people with mental health problems: a qualitative study.

Previous research suggests that pharmacy workplace contact and the mental health content of undergraduate pharmacy education may not improve students’ negative attitudes towards people with mental health problems.1 However, studies have not explored... Read More about Pharmacy students’ perceptions on interacting with people with mental health problems: a qualitative study.

Similarities and differences between the perspectives of healthy living champions and pharmacists on the healthy living pharmacy initiative: a qualitative study (2014)
Presentation / Conference
White, S., Brooks, D., & Hopps, A. (2014, April). Similarities and differences between the perspectives of healthy living champions and pharmacists on the healthy living pharmacy initiative: a qualitative study. Presented at Health Services Research & Pharmacy Practice Conference, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK

The Healthy Living Pharmacy (HLP) initiative has improved public access to health and wellbeing services and increased the quality of services in community pharmacy.1 This appears to be at least partly due to the quality and performance criteria for... Read More about Similarities and differences between the perspectives of healthy living champions and pharmacists on the healthy living pharmacy initiative: a qualitative study.

Public health (2014)
Book Chapter
White, S. (2014). Public health. In Pharmaceutical Practice. (5). Churchill Livingstone