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Stuart Clarke's Outputs (5)

Application of photogrammetry to generate quantitative geobody data in ephemeral fluvial systems (2019)
Journal Article
Priddy, C., Pringle, J., Pettigrew, R., & Clarke, S. (2019). Application of photogrammetry to generate quantitative geobody data in ephemeral fluvial systems. Photogrammetric Record,

Outcrop studies are often used as analogues to subsurface sedimentary reservoirs, with photogrammetry representing a useful technique to obtain quantitative geometrical data of sedimentary architectures. Digital photogrammetry techniques were used to... Read More about Application of photogrammetry to generate quantitative geobody data in ephemeral fluvial systems.

A Microfacies Analysis of Arid Continental Carbonates from the Cedar Mesa Sandstone Formation, Utah, USA (2019)
Journal Article
Pettigrew, R., Rogers, S., & Clarke, S. (2020). A Microfacies Analysis of Arid Continental Carbonates from the Cedar Mesa Sandstone Formation, Utah, USA. Depositional Record, 6(1), 41-61.

Arid continental environments are typically dominated by siliciclastic aeolian, alluvial and fluvial deposits. Despite their common recognition within these environments, carbonate deposits are often overlooked, yet they can provide vital insight int... Read More about A Microfacies Analysis of Arid Continental Carbonates from the Cedar Mesa Sandstone Formation, Utah, USA.

Clastic injectites, internal structures and flow regime during injection: The Sea Lion Injectite System, North Falkland Basin (2019)
Journal Article
Dodd, T., McCarthy, D., & Clarke, S. (2019). Clastic injectites, internal structures and flow regime during injection: The Sea Lion Injectite System, North Falkland Basin. Sedimentology,

This paper details and describes a suite of 143 sub-seismic-scale clastic injectites encountered within the early Cretaceous, early post-rift of the deep-lacustrine North Falkland Basin. The injectites, referred to here as the Sea Lion Injectite Syst... Read More about Clastic injectites, internal structures and flow regime during injection: The Sea Lion Injectite System, North Falkland Basin.

Overprinted allocyclic processes by tidal resonance in an epicontinental basin: the Upper Jurassic Curtis Formation, east-central Utah, USA (2019)
Journal Article
Dodd, T., Clarke, S., Rabbel, O., Braathen, A., Midtkandal, I., Zuchuat, V., …Pettigrew, R. (2019). Overprinted allocyclic processes by tidal resonance in an epicontinental basin: the Upper Jurassic Curtis Formation, east-central Utah, USA. Depositional Record, 272-305.

Modern, tide-dominated and tide-influenced coastlines are characterised by a range of environments, including deltas, estuaries, and lagoons. However, some tide-dominated basins and related sedimentary units in the rock record, such as the semi-enclo... Read More about Overprinted allocyclic processes by tidal resonance in an epicontinental basin: the Upper Jurassic Curtis Formation, east-central Utah, USA.

Structural and geodynamic modelling of the influence of granite bodies during lithospheric extension: application to the Carboniferous basins of northern England (2019)
Journal Article
Howell, L., Egan, S., Leslie, G., & Clarke, S. (2019). Structural and geodynamic modelling of the influence of granite bodies during lithospheric extension: application to the Carboniferous basins of northern England. Tectonophysics, 47-63.

Intra-basinal highs within classic ‘block and basin’ style tectonic frameworks are underpinned by large granite bodies. This is widely believed to relate to the relative ‘rigidity’ and ‘buoyancy’ of granite in relation to accommodating basement. It h... Read More about Structural and geodynamic modelling of the influence of granite bodies during lithospheric extension: application to the Carboniferous basins of northern England.