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Stuart Clarke's Outputs (3)

Controls on the deposition and preservation of architectural elements within a fluvial multi-storey sandbody (2020)
Journal Article
Mitten, A., Howell, L., Clarke, S., & Pringle, J. (2020). Controls on the deposition and preservation of architectural elements within a fluvial multi-storey sandbody. Sedimentary Geology,

Architectural elements of fluvial multi-storey sandbodies provide principal controls on the distribution of meso-scale (100–101?m scale) heterogeneity and reservoir quality. Consequently, it is valuable to understand the deposition and preservation o... Read More about Controls on the deposition and preservation of architectural elements within a fluvial multi-storey sandbody.

Depositional conditioning of three dimensional training images: Improving the reproduction and representation of architectural elements in sand-dominated fluvial reservoir models (2020)
Journal Article
Pringle, J., Mitten, A., Mullins, J., Howell, J., & Clarke, S. (2020). Depositional conditioning of three dimensional training images: Improving the reproduction and representation of architectural elements in sand-dominated fluvial reservoir models. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 113, Article ARTN 104156.

Fluvial deposits create significant hydrocarbon reservoirs, although their characterisation can be difficult due to their differing scales of heterogeneity. Whilst numerical modelling methods have advanced to statistically honour fluvial input datase... Read More about Depositional conditioning of three dimensional training images: Improving the reproduction and representation of architectural elements in sand-dominated fluvial reservoir models.

The influence of low-density granite bodies on extensional basins (2020)
Journal Article
Howell, L., Leslie, G., Clarke, S., Mitten, A., Pringle, J., & Egan, S. (2020). The influence of low-density granite bodies on extensional basins. Geology Today,

The Carboniferous North Pennine Basin remains the type locality for the ‘block and basin’ tectonic framework model. It has been widely believed that during periods of tectonic extension, large low-density bodies within the basement permit buoyant blo... Read More about The influence of low-density granite bodies on extensional basins.