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Stuart Clarke's Outputs (28)

Outcrop spectral gamma-ray signals of distal arid continental basins: Facies identification and controls (2024)
Journal Article
Pettigrew, R. P., Priddy, C. L., & Clarke, S. M. (2024). Outcrop spectral gamma-ray signals of distal arid continental basins: Facies identification and controls. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 168, Article 107047.

Spectral gamma ray (SGR) studies can help link outcrop exposures to downhole data and provide useful case studies to reduce uncertainty in interpreting geophysical logs where core and other geological data is unavailable. However, this technique is u... Read More about Outcrop spectral gamma-ray signals of distal arid continental basins: Facies identification and controls.

Geometrical restoration of a late Neoproterozoic depositional framework and an intrabasinal unconformity in the Laurentian margin Dalradian Supergroup, Grampian Highlands, Scotland (2024)
Journal Article
Leslie, A., Krabbendam, M., Thomas, C., Banks, C., & Clarke, S. M. (in press). Geometrical restoration of a late Neoproterozoic depositional framework and an intrabasinal unconformity in the Laurentian margin Dalradian Supergroup, Grampian Highlands, Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 181(4),

Restoring primary depositional frameworks from orogenic settings is challenging. To demonstrate a robust determination of original, but now highly-deformed, depositional frameworks and their first-order sequence-stratigraphy, we analyse the Dalradian... Read More about Geometrical restoration of a late Neoproterozoic depositional framework and an intrabasinal unconformity in the Laurentian margin Dalradian Supergroup, Grampian Highlands, Scotland.

Aeolian–lacustrine margins: implications for carbon capture and storage within the Rotliegend Group, Southern North Sea (2023)
Journal Article
Priddy, C. L., Pettigrew, R. P., Watson, D., Regis, A. V., & Clarke, S. M. (2023). Aeolian–lacustrine margins: implications for carbon capture and storage within the Rotliegend Group, Southern North Sea. Academia, 1(1),

The Southern North Sea Basins of the United Kingdom were renowned for their hydrocarbon resources and exploited extensively from the 1960s to the 1990s. The Permian Leman Sandstone in particular formed an excellent reservoir due to its extensive clea... Read More about Aeolian–lacustrine margins: implications for carbon capture and storage within the Rotliegend Group, Southern North Sea.

The sedimentological expression of transgression-regression cycles upon aeolian-marine margins (2023)
Journal Article
Cross, S., Pettigrew, R. P., Priddy, C. L., Zuchuat, V., Dodd, T. J. H., Mitten, A. J., & Clarke, S. M. (2023). The sedimentological expression of transgression-regression cycles upon aeolian-marine margins. Depositional Record, 9(2), 335-362.

When compared to their temperate coastal counterparts, sediments deposited and preserved along arid aeolian to shallow-marine margins remain relatively poorly understood, particularly at the scale of lithofacies units and architectural elements. Thes... Read More about The sedimentological expression of transgression-regression cycles upon aeolian-marine margins.

Origin of Lower Cretaceous quartzose arenites in northern India and the Indus Basins of Pakistan-The result of provenance composition, weathering or diagenesis? (2022)
Journal Article
Beaumont, H., Burley, S. D., Breitfeld, T., Gould, T., & Clarke, S. M. (2022). Origin of Lower Cretaceous quartzose arenites in northern India and the Indus Basins of Pakistan-The result of provenance composition, weathering or diagenesis?. Basin Research, 35(1), 413-438.

Lower Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) sandstones of the Ghaggar-Hakra Formation in the Barmer Basin of northwest Rajasthan, India, have a complex depositional history which is confusing given they are quartzose arenites. The heavy mineral grains are very... Read More about Origin of Lower Cretaceous quartzose arenites in northern India and the Indus Basins of Pakistan-The result of provenance composition, weathering or diagenesis?.

Hybrid event bed character and distribution in the context of ancient deep-lacustrine fan models (2022)
Journal Article
Dodd, T. J. H., McCarthy¹, D., McCarthy, D. J., Amy, L., Plenderleith, G. E., & Clarke, S. M. (2022). Hybrid event bed character and distribution in the context of ancient deep-lacustrine fan models. Sedimentology, 69(4), 1891-1926.

Hybrid event beds are texturally and compositionally-diverse deposits preserved within deepwater settings. They are deposited by flows exhibiting ‘mixed behaviour’, forming complex successions of sandstone and mudstone, which are often challenging to... Read More about Hybrid event bed character and distribution in the context of ancient deep-lacustrine fan models.

Localized bank collapse or regional event? (2021)
Journal Article
Leslie, A., Regis, A., Clarke, S., Priddy, C., & Dodd, T. (2021). Localized bank collapse or regional event?.

<jats:p>This study presents a detailed synopsis of the sedimentological and structural features displayed within an underdescribed enigmatic facies observed in the basal Lower Jurassic Kayenta Formation of the Colorado Plateau. The facies comprises p... Read More about Localized bank collapse or regional event?.

‘Block and basin’ style rift basins: sedimentological insights from the Mississippian Fell Sandstone Formation (2021)
Journal Article
Howell, L. P., Priddy, C., Mitten, A. J., Jeffery, A. J., Egan, S. S., Leslie, G., …Kearsey, T. I. (2021). ‘Block and basin’ style rift basins: sedimentological insights from the Mississippian Fell Sandstone Formation. Journal of the Geological Society, 179(4), jgs2021 - 083.

The block and basin tectonostratigraphic framework for the northern Pennine (rift) Basin, within which buoyant granite intrusions core intra-basin fault-bounded blocks, has long held traction. However, many of the elements of this framework are roote... Read More about ‘Block and basin’ style rift basins: sedimentological insights from the Mississippian Fell Sandstone Formation.

Combining topology and fractal dimension of fracture networks to characterise structural domains in thrusted limestones (2021)
Journal Article
Grodner, M., Clarke, S., burley, S., Leslie, G., & Haslam, R. (2021). Combining topology and fractal dimension of fracture networks to characterise structural domains in thrusted limestones. Journal of Structural Geology,

Fractures in limestones of the Palaeocene Lockhart Formation in the hanging wall of the Himalayan Main Boundary Thrust north of Islamabad are examined, and the data analysed using a combination of topology and fractal dimension to characterise fractu... Read More about Combining topology and fractal dimension of fracture networks to characterise structural domains in thrusted limestones.

Spatial variation in the sedimentary architecture of a dryland fluvial system (2021)
Journal Article
Priddy, C. L., & Clarke, S. M. (2021). Spatial variation in the sedimentary architecture of a dryland fluvial system. Sedimentology, 68(6), 2887-2917.

Ancient dryland terminal fluvial systems are often recognised within the rock record for having a progressive downstream decrease in the size and amalgamation of channel elements and systematic downstream increase in sheet and overbank elements, alon... Read More about Spatial variation in the sedimentary architecture of a dryland fluvial system.

Lead Mineralisation Within The Stublick Fault System At Church Burn And Wolf Hills, Haltwhistle, Northumberland (2020)
Journal Article
Young, B., Clarke, S., Hopkirk, A., Forbes, I., & Smith, F. (2020). Lead Mineralisation Within The Stublick Fault System At Church Burn And Wolf Hills, Haltwhistle, Northumberland. The Journal of The Russell Society, 23(2-4), 75-85

Two hitherto unreported small clusters of lead-bearing veins and associated workings at Church Burn and Wolf Hills, south of Haltwhistle, described here, add to the group of mineral deposits within the main Tyne Valley, sometimes collectively referre... Read More about Lead Mineralisation Within The Stublick Fault System At Church Burn And Wolf Hills, Haltwhistle, Northumberland.

Sedimentology and isotope geochemistry of transitional evaporitic environments within arid continental settings: From erg to saline lakes (2020)
Journal Article
Pettigrew, R., Claire, M., Priddy, C., Clarke, S., Warke, M., & Stüeken, E. (2020). Sedimentology and isotope geochemistry of transitional evaporitic environments within arid continental settings: From erg to saline lakes. Sedimentology, 907-942.

Arid continental basins typically contain a spectrum of coeval environments that coexist and interact from proximal to distal. Within the distal portion, aeolian ergs often border playa, or perennial, desert lakes, fed by fluvial incursions or elevat... Read More about Sedimentology and isotope geochemistry of transitional evaporitic environments within arid continental settings: From erg to saline lakes.

Controls on the deposition and preservation of architectural elements within a fluvial multi-storey sandbody (2020)
Journal Article
Mitten, A., Howell, L., Clarke, S., & Pringle, J. (2020). Controls on the deposition and preservation of architectural elements within a fluvial multi-storey sandbody. Sedimentary Geology,

Architectural elements of fluvial multi-storey sandbodies provide principal controls on the distribution of meso-scale (100–101?m scale) heterogeneity and reservoir quality. Consequently, it is valuable to understand the deposition and preservation o... Read More about Controls on the deposition and preservation of architectural elements within a fluvial multi-storey sandbody.

Depositional conditioning of three dimensional training images: Improving the reproduction and representation of architectural elements in sand-dominated fluvial reservoir models (2020)
Journal Article
Pringle, J., Mitten, A., Mullins, J., Howell, J., & Clarke, S. (2020). Depositional conditioning of three dimensional training images: Improving the reproduction and representation of architectural elements in sand-dominated fluvial reservoir models. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 113, Article ARTN 104156.

Fluvial deposits create significant hydrocarbon reservoirs, although their characterisation can be difficult due to their differing scales of heterogeneity. Whilst numerical modelling methods have advanced to statistically honour fluvial input datase... Read More about Depositional conditioning of three dimensional training images: Improving the reproduction and representation of architectural elements in sand-dominated fluvial reservoir models.

The influence of low-density granite bodies on extensional basins (2020)
Journal Article
Howell, L., Leslie, G., Clarke, S., Mitten, A., Pringle, J., & Egan, S. (2020). The influence of low-density granite bodies on extensional basins. Geology Today,

The Carboniferous North Pennine Basin remains the type locality for the ‘block and basin’ tectonic framework model. It has been widely believed that during periods of tectonic extension, large low-density bodies within the basement permit buoyant blo... Read More about The influence of low-density granite bodies on extensional basins.

The sedimentology of an ephemeral fluvial-aeolian succession (2020)
Journal Article
Priddy, C. L., & Clarke, S. M. (2020). The sedimentology of an ephemeral fluvial-aeolian succession. Sedimentology, 67(5), 2392-2425.

Ephemeral fluvial systems are commonly associated with arid to semi-arid climates. Although their complex sedimentology and depositional settings have been described in much detail, depositional models depicting detailed lateral and vertical relation... Read More about The sedimentology of an ephemeral fluvial-aeolian succession.

Application of photogrammetry to generate quantitative geobody data in ephemeral fluvial systems (2019)
Journal Article
Priddy, C., Pringle, J., Pettigrew, R., & Clarke, S. (2019). Application of photogrammetry to generate quantitative geobody data in ephemeral fluvial systems. Photogrammetric Record,

Outcrop studies are often used as analogues to subsurface sedimentary reservoirs, with photogrammetry representing a useful technique to obtain quantitative geometrical data of sedimentary architectures. Digital photogrammetry techniques were used to... Read More about Application of photogrammetry to generate quantitative geobody data in ephemeral fluvial systems.

A Microfacies Analysis of Arid Continental Carbonates from the Cedar Mesa Sandstone Formation, Utah, USA (2019)
Journal Article
Pettigrew, R., Rogers, S., & Clarke, S. (2020). A Microfacies Analysis of Arid Continental Carbonates from the Cedar Mesa Sandstone Formation, Utah, USA. Depositional Record, 6(1), 41-61.

Arid continental environments are typically dominated by siliciclastic aeolian, alluvial and fluvial deposits. Despite their common recognition within these environments, carbonate deposits are often overlooked, yet they can provide vital insight int... Read More about A Microfacies Analysis of Arid Continental Carbonates from the Cedar Mesa Sandstone Formation, Utah, USA.

Clastic injectites, internal structures and flow regime during injection: The Sea Lion Injectite System, North Falkland Basin (2019)
Journal Article
Dodd, T., McCarthy, D., & Clarke, S. (2019). Clastic injectites, internal structures and flow regime during injection: The Sea Lion Injectite System, North Falkland Basin. Sedimentology,

This paper details and describes a suite of 143 sub-seismic-scale clastic injectites encountered within the early Cretaceous, early post-rift of the deep-lacustrine North Falkland Basin. The injectites, referred to here as the Sea Lion Injectite Syst... Read More about Clastic injectites, internal structures and flow regime during injection: The Sea Lion Injectite System, North Falkland Basin.

Overprinted allocyclic processes by tidal resonance in an epicontinental basin: the Upper Jurassic Curtis Formation, east-central Utah, USA (2019)
Journal Article
Dodd, T., Clarke, S., Rabbel, O., Braathen, A., Midtkandal, I., Zuchuat, V., …Pettigrew, R. (2019). Overprinted allocyclic processes by tidal resonance in an epicontinental basin: the Upper Jurassic Curtis Formation, east-central Utah, USA. Depositional Record, 272-305.

Modern, tide-dominated and tide-influenced coastlines are characterised by a range of environments, including deltas, estuaries, and lagoons. However, some tide-dominated basins and related sedimentary units in the rock record, such as the semi-enclo... Read More about Overprinted allocyclic processes by tidal resonance in an epicontinental basin: the Upper Jurassic Curtis Formation, east-central Utah, USA.