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Stuart Clarke's Outputs (5)

The sedimentology, architecture and depositional setting of the fluvial Spireslack 1 Sandstone of the Midland Valley, Scotland: insights from Spireslack surface coal mine. (2018)
Journal Article
Ellen, R., Browne, M., Mitten, A., Clarke, S., Leslie, A., & Callaghan, E. (2018). The sedimentology, architecture and depositional setting of the fluvial Spireslack 1 Sandstone of the Midland Valley, Scotland: insights from Spireslack surface coal mine. Geological Society Special Publications,

Spireslack surface coal mine exposes a section in the Carboniferous Lawmuir Formation (Brigantian) into the Upper Limestone Formation (Arnsbergian). This paper describes the stratigraphy exposed at Spireslack for the first time and, in so doing, name... Read More about The sedimentology, architecture and depositional setting of the fluvial Spireslack 1 Sandstone of the Midland Valley, Scotland: insights from Spireslack surface coal mine..

Sedimentology and the facies architecture of the Ghaggar-Hakra Formation, Barmer Basin, India: Implications for early Cretaceous deposition on the north-western Indian Plate margin (2018)
Journal Article
Beaumont, H., Clarke, S. M., Burley, S. D., Taylor, A. M., & Mahapatra, P. (2019). Sedimentology and the facies architecture of the Ghaggar-Hakra Formation, Barmer Basin, India: Implications for early Cretaceous deposition on the north-western Indian Plate margin. Depositional Record, 5(1), 53-83.

Fluvial strata of the Lower Cretaceous Ghaggar-Hakra Formation are exposed in fault blocks on the central-eastern margin of the Barmer Basin, Rajasthan. The sedimentology of these outcrops is described from 114 logs (thicknesses up to 100 m) and 53 t... Read More about Sedimentology and the facies architecture of the Ghaggar-Hakra Formation, Barmer Basin, India: Implications for early Cretaceous deposition on the north-western Indian Plate margin.

High-resolution stratigraphy and physical property modelling of the Chalk (2018)
Journal Article
Woods, M., Newell, A., Farrant, A., Haslam, R., & Clarke, S. (2018). High-resolution stratigraphy and physical property modelling of the Chalk.

A fortuitous combination of events in the last 30 years has positioned the Chalk as the most eligible geological unit for high-resolution 3D modelling at national, regional and local scales, allowing site-specific predictions and enabling characte-ri... Read More about High-resolution stratigraphy and physical property modelling of the Chalk.