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Stuart Clarke's Outputs (3)

Outcrop spectral gamma-ray signals of distal arid continental basins: Facies identification and controls (2024)
Journal Article
Pettigrew, R. P., Priddy, C. L., & Clarke, S. M. (2024). Outcrop spectral gamma-ray signals of distal arid continental basins: Facies identification and controls. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 168, Article 107047.

Spectral gamma ray (SGR) studies can help link outcrop exposures to downhole data and provide useful case studies to reduce uncertainty in interpreting geophysical logs where core and other geological data is unavailable. However, this technique is u... Read More about Outcrop spectral gamma-ray signals of distal arid continental basins: Facies identification and controls.

Aeolian-Lacustrine Margins: Implications for Carbon Capture and Storage within the Rotliegend Group, Southern North Sea (2024)
Conference Proceeding
Priddy, C., Pettigrew, R., Watson, D., Regis, A., & Clarke, S. (2024). Aeolian-Lacustrine Margins: Implications for Carbon Capture and Storage within the Rotliegend Group, Southern North Sea. .

The Leman Sandstone, previously explored for hydrocarbons, has the potential to provide new opportunities within carbon capture and storage to help meet ‘net zero’ targets by 2050. The wealth of open access data, particularly core, available from the... Read More about Aeolian-Lacustrine Margins: Implications for Carbon Capture and Storage within the Rotliegend Group, Southern North Sea.

Geometrical restoration of a late Neoproterozoic depositional framework and an intrabasinal unconformity in the Laurentian margin Dalradian Supergroup, Grampian Highlands, Scotland (2024)
Journal Article
Leslie, A., Krabbendam, M., Thomas, C., Banks, C., & Clarke, S. M. (in press). Geometrical restoration of a late Neoproterozoic depositional framework and an intrabasinal unconformity in the Laurentian margin Dalradian Supergroup, Grampian Highlands, Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 181(4),

Restoring primary depositional frameworks from orogenic settings is challenging. To demonstrate a robust determination of original, but now highly-deformed, depositional frameworks and their first-order sequence-stratigraphy, we analyse the Dalradian... Read More about Geometrical restoration of a late Neoproterozoic depositional framework and an intrabasinal unconformity in the Laurentian margin Dalradian Supergroup, Grampian Highlands, Scotland.