Evaluating the long-term effect of allopurinol use in gout using marginal structural models: A primary care electronic health records study
Presentation / Conference
Rathod-Mistry, T., Roddy, E., Jordan, K., Mallen, C., & Blagojevic-Bucknall, M. (2022, August). Evaluating the long-term effect of allopurinol use in gout using marginal structural models: A primary care electronic health records study
Background: Allopurinol is intended to be taken for life in the treatment of gout. In UK primary care, treatment is suboptimal with up to 30% of indicated patients being treated within five years of diagnosis and once prescribed allopurinol, treatmen... Read More about Evaluating the long-term effect of allopurinol use in gout using marginal structural models: A primary care electronic health records study.