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Divya Chari's Outputs (1)

Noninvasive imaging of nanoparticle-labeled transplant populations within polymer matrices for neural cell therapy (2018)
Journal Article
Tickle, J. A., Poptani, H., Taylor, A., & Chari, D. M. (2018). Noninvasive imaging of nanoparticle-labeled transplant populations within polymer matrices for neural cell therapy. Nanomedicine, 13(11), 1333-1348.

Aim: To develop a 3D neural cell construct for encapsulated delivery of transplant cells; develop hydrogels seeded with magnetic nanoparticle (MNP)-labeled cells suitable for cell tracking by MRI. Materials & methods: Astrocytes were exogenously labe... Read More about Noninvasive imaging of nanoparticle-labeled transplant populations within polymer matrices for neural cell therapy.