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Divya Chari's Outputs (2)

Noninvasive imaging of nanoparticle-labeled transplant populations within polymer matrices for neural cell therapy (2018)
Journal Article
Tickle, J. A., Poptani, H., Taylor, A., & Chari, D. M. (2018). Noninvasive imaging of nanoparticle-labeled transplant populations within polymer matrices for neural cell therapy. Nanomedicine, 13(11), 1333-1348.

Aim: To develop a 3D neural cell construct for encapsulated delivery of transplant cells; develop hydrogels seeded with magnetic nanoparticle (MNP)-labeled cells suitable for cell tracking by MRI. Materials & methods: Astrocytes were exogenously labe... Read More about Noninvasive imaging of nanoparticle-labeled transplant populations within polymer matrices for neural cell therapy.

A proteomic investigation into mechanisms underpinning corticosteroid effects on neural stem cells. (2018)
Journal Article
Al-Mayyahi, R. S., Sterio, L. D., Connolly, J. B., Adams, C., Al-Tumah, W. A., Sen, J., …Chari, D. (2018). A proteomic investigation into mechanisms underpinning corticosteroid effects on neural stem cells. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 86, 30-40.

Corticosteroids (CSs) are widely used clinically, for example in pediatric respiratory distress syndrome, and immunosuppression to prevent rejection of stem cell transplant populations in neural cell therapy. However, such treatment can be associated... Read More about A proteomic investigation into mechanisms underpinning corticosteroid effects on neural stem cells..