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Danielle Van Der Windt's Outputs (200)

Factors Associated with the Severity and Progression of Self-Reported Hand Pain and Functional Difficulty in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review: Factors Associated with Hand Pain and Function (2012)
Journal Article
Nicholls, E. E., Windt, D. A. W. M., Jordan, J. L., Dziedzic, K. S., & Thomas, E. (2012). Factors Associated with the Severity and Progression of Self-Reported Hand Pain and Functional Difficulty in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review: Factors Associated with Hand Pain and Function. Musculoskeletal Care, 10(1), 51-62.

Hand problems are common in older adults and cause significant pain and disruption to everyday living. The aim of this systematic review was to summarize evidence on the factors associated with the severity and progression of self-reporte... Read More about Factors Associated with the Severity and Progression of Self-Reported Hand Pain and Functional Difficulty in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review: Factors Associated with Hand Pain and Function.

Measures of Social Function and Participation in Musculoskeletal Populations Impact on Participation and Autonomy ( IPA), Keele Assessment of Participation (KAP), Participation Measure for Post-Acute Care (PM-PAC), Participation Objective, Participation Subjective (POPS), Rating of Perceived Participation (ROPP), and The Participation Scale (2011)
Journal Article
Wilkie, R., Jordan, J. L., Muller, S., Nicholls, E., Healey, E. L., & Van der Windt, D. A. (2011). Measures of Social Function and Participation in Musculoskeletal Populations Impact on Participation and Autonomy ( IPA), Keele Assessment of Participation (KAP), Participation Measure for Post-Acute Care (PM-PAC), Participation Objective, Participation Subjective (POPS), Rating of Perceived Participation (ROPP), and The Participation Scale. Arthritis Care and Research, 63(S11), S325-S336.

Radiographic thumb osteoarthritis: frequency, patterns and associations with pain and clinical assessment findings in a community-dwelling population. (2010)
Journal Article
Marshall, M., Myers, H., Dziedzic, K., Nicholls, E., & Van Der Windt, D. (2010). Radiographic thumb osteoarthritis: frequency, patterns and associations with pain and clinical assessment findings in a community-dwelling population. Rheumatology, 50(4), 735 - 739.

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate: (i) the frequency and patterns of radiographic OA (ROA) in the thumb joints; and (ii) associations between thumb ROA and the clinical characteristics of thumb OA in older adults with hand pain or... Read More about Radiographic thumb osteoarthritis: frequency, patterns and associations with pain and clinical assessment findings in a community-dwelling population..

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for the management of tennis elbow: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial: the TATE trial (ISRCTN 87141084) (2009)
Journal Article
Chesterton, L. S., van der Windt, D. A., Sim, J., Lewis, M., Mallen, C. D., Mason, E. E., …Hay, E. M. (2009). Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for the management of tennis elbow: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial: the TATE trial (ISRCTN 87141084). BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 10(1),

Research priorities for non-pharmacological therapies for common musculoskeletal problems: nationally and internationally agreed recommendations (2009)
Journal Article
Hay, Van Der Windt, & Dziedzic. (2009). Research priorities for non-pharmacological therapies for common musculoskeletal problems: nationally and internationally agreed recommendations. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 3 - ?.

Musculoskeletal problems such as low back pain, neck, knee and shoulder pain are leading causes of disability and activity limitation in adults and are most frequently managed within primary care. There is a clear trend towards large, high quality tr... Read More about Research priorities for non-pharmacological therapies for common musculoskeletal problems: nationally and internationally agreed recommendations.

Journal Article
Dziedzic, K., Nicholls, E., Myers, H., Peat, G., Thomas, E., Marshall, M., & van der Windt, D. (2008). 269 DEFINING 18-MONTH OUTCOME IN CLINICAL SUB-GROUPS OF HAND OSTEOARTHRITIS IN OLDER ADULTS: THE CLINICAL ASSESSMENT STUDY OF THE HAND (CAS-HA). Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 16(S4), S121-S122.

A prediction rule for shoulder pain related sick leave: a prospective cohort study. (2006)
Journal Article
Kuijpers, T., van der Windt, D., van der Heijden, G., Twisk, J., Vergouwe, Y., & Bouter, L. (2006). A prediction rule for shoulder pain related sick leave: a prospective cohort study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 97 - ?.

Shoulder pain is common in primary care, and has an unfavourable outcome in many patients. Information about predictors of shoulder pain related sick leave in workers is scarce and inconsistent. The objective was to develop a clinical prediction rule... Read More about A prediction rule for shoulder pain related sick leave: a prospective cohort study..

Comparative effectiveness of treatment options for subacromial shoulder conditions: A network meta-analysis
Presentation / Conference
Babatunde, Jordan, Van Der Windt, & Roddy. Comparative effectiveness of treatment options for subacromial shoulder conditions: A network meta-analysis. Presented at Global Evidence Summit 1017

Background: Subacromial shoulder conditions (SSCs) account for nearly 70% of all shoulder pain presentations to primary care, affecting one in three persons, half of whom still report pain and functional limitations 12 months post initial diagnosis.... Read More about Comparative effectiveness of treatment options for subacromial shoulder conditions: A network meta-analysis.