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Danielle Van Der Windt's Outputs (200)

Mechanisms of action of therapeutic exercise for knee and hip OA remain a black box phenomenon: an individual patient data mediation study with the OA Trial Bank (2023)
Journal Article
Runhaar, J., A Holden, M., Hattle, M., Quicke, J., Healey, E. L., van der Windt, D., …Menek, M. Y. (2023). Mechanisms of action of therapeutic exercise for knee and hip OA remain a black box phenomenon: an individual patient data mediation study with the OA Trial Bank. RMD Open, 9(3), Article e003220.

Objectives: To evaluate mediating factors for the effect of therapeutic exercise on pain and physical function in people with knee/hip osteoarthritis (OA).

Methods: For Subgrouping and TargetEd Exercise pRogrammes for knee and hip OsteoArthritis (... Read More about Mechanisms of action of therapeutic exercise for knee and hip OA remain a black box phenomenon: an individual patient data mediation study with the OA Trial Bank.

Moderators of the effect of therapeutic exercise for knee and hip osteoarthritis: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis (2023)
Journal Article
Holden, M. A., Hattle, M., Runhaar, J., Riley, R. D., Healey, E. L., Quicke, J., …Exercise Collaborative, O. T. B. (2023). Moderators of the effect of therapeutic exercise for knee and hip osteoarthritis: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. The Lancet Rheumatology, 5(7), e386-e400.

Many international clinical guidelines recommend therapeutic exercise as a core treatment for knee and hip osteoarthritis. We aimed to identify individual patient-level moderators of the effect of therapeutic exercise for reducing pain an... Read More about Moderators of the effect of therapeutic exercise for knee and hip osteoarthritis: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis.

Supported self-management for all with musculoskeletal pain: an inclusive approach to intervention development: the EASIER study (2023)
Journal Article
Healey, E. L., Lewis, M., Corp, N., Shivji, N. A., van der Windt, D. A., Babatunde, O. O., …Protheroe, J. (2023). Supported self-management for all with musculoskeletal pain: an inclusive approach to intervention development: the EASIER study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 24(1), Article 474.

Supported self-management interventions for patients with musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions may not adequately support those with limited health literacy, leading to inequalities in care and variable outcomes. The aim of this study was to... Read More about Supported self-management for all with musculoskeletal pain: an inclusive approach to intervention development: the EASIER study.

Risk stratified monitoring for methotrexate toxicity in immune mediated inflammatory diseases: prognostic model development and validation using primary care data from the UK (2023)
Journal Article
Nakafero, G., Grainge, M. J., Williams, H. C., Card, T., Taal, M. W., Aithal, G. P., …Abhishek, A. (2023). Risk stratified monitoring for methotrexate toxicity in immune mediated inflammatory diseases: prognostic model development and validation using primary care data from the UK. BMJ,

Objective To develop and validate a prognostic model to inform risk stratified decisions on frequency of monitoring blood tests during long term methotrexate treatment.

SupportPrim—a computerized clinical decision support system for stratified care for patients with musculoskeletal pain complaints in general practice: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (2023)
Journal Article
Naterstad Lervik, L. C., Vasseljen, O., Austad, B., Bach, K., Formo Bones, A., Granviken, F., …Meisingset, I. (2023). SupportPrim—a computerized clinical decision support system for stratified care for patients with musculoskeletal pain complaints in general practice: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 24(1), Article 267.

Musculoskeletal disorders represented 149 million years lived with disability world-wide in 2019 and are the main cause of years lived with disability worldwide. Current treatment recommendations are based on “one-size fits all” principle... Read More about SupportPrim—a computerized clinical decision support system for stratified care for patients with musculoskeletal pain complaints in general practice: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

Determining cardiovascular risk in patients with unattributed chest pain in UK primary care: an electronic health record study (2023)
Journal Article
Jordan, K. P., Rathod-Mistry, T., van der Windt, D. A., Bailey, J., Chen, Y., Clarson, L., …Mamas, M. A. (2023). Determining cardiovascular risk in patients with unattributed chest pain in UK primary care: an electronic health record study. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 30(11), 1151-1161.

BACKGROUND: Most adults presenting in primary care with chest pain symptoms will not receive a diagnosis ("unattributed" chest pain) but are at increased risk of cardiovascular events. AIM: To assess within patients with unattributed chest pain, risk... Read More about Determining cardiovascular risk in patients with unattributed chest pain in UK primary care: an electronic health record study.

Symptom patterns and life with post-acute COVID-19 in children aged 8-17: a mixed methods studyprotocol. (2023)
Journal Article
Faux-Nightingale, A., Burton, C., Twohig, H., Bucknall, M., Carroll, W., Chew-Graham, C., …Welsh, V. (2023). Symptom patterns and life with post-acute COVID-19 in children aged 8-17: a mixed methods studyprotocol. British Journal of General Practice Open (BJGP Open), 7(2), Article BJGPO20220149.

Background: While there is a substantial body of knowledge about acute COVID-19, less is known about long-COVID, where symptoms continue beyond 4 weeks.

Aim: To describe longer-term effects of COVID-19 infection in children and young people (CYP)... Read More about Symptom patterns and life with post-acute COVID-19 in children aged 8-17: a mixed methods studyprotocol..

Overall prognosis of acute and chronic musculoskeletal, widespread, and neuropathic pain in children and adolescents (2023)
Journal Article
Dunn, K., Montgomery, L. R., Andreucci, A., Kamper, S. J., van der Windt, D., Michaleff, Z. A., …Swain, M. S. (2023). Overall prognosis of acute and chronic musculoskeletal, widespread, and neuropathic pain in children and adolescents. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2023(2),

This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (prognosis). The objectives are as follows:

We aim to describe the overall prognosis (focusing on the pain course) and the negative impact(s) of acute and chronic musculoskeletal, widespread, an... Read More about Overall prognosis of acute and chronic musculoskeletal, widespread, and neuropathic pain in children and adolescents.

Interventions for supporting self-management in people with musculoskeletal pain, including focus on varying levels of health literacy: A systematic overview of reviews [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review] (2023)
Journal Article
O Babatunde, O., Corp, N., Shivji, N., Rowlands, G., Quicke, J., L Healey, E., …A van der Windt, D. (2023). Interventions for supporting self-management in people with musculoskeletal pain, including focus on varying levels of health literacy: A systematic overview of reviews [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. Health Open Research,

Background: Musculoskeletal (MSK) pain is a major cause of disability globally, affecting one in three adults. Self-management is a core recommendation for managing MSK pain; however, most self-management programmes require a high level of patient en... Read More about Interventions for supporting self-management in people with musculoskeletal pain, including focus on varying levels of health literacy: A systematic overview of reviews [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review].

Diabetes as a risk factor for the onset of frozen shoulder: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2023)
Journal Article
Dyer, B. P., Rathod-Mistry, T., Burton, C., Van Der Windt, D., & Bucknall, M. (2023). Diabetes as a risk factor for the onset of frozen shoulder: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 13(1), Article e062377.

Objective: Summarise longitudinal observational studies to determine whether diabetes (types 1 and 2) is a risk factor for frozen shoulder.

Design: Systematic review and meta-analysis.

Data sources: MEDLINE, Embase, AMED, PsycINFO, Web of Scien... Read More about Diabetes as a risk factor for the onset of frozen shoulder: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Patients' and clinicians' perspectives towards primary care consultations for shoulder pain: qualitative findings from the Prognostic and Diagnostic Assessment of the Shoulder (PANDA-S) programme. (2023)
Journal Article
Saunders, B., Burton, C., van der Windt, D. A., Myers, H., Chester, R., Pincus, T., & Wynne-Jones, G. (2023). Patients' and clinicians' perspectives towards primary care consultations for shoulder pain: qualitative findings from the Prognostic and Diagnostic Assessment of the Shoulder (PANDA-S) programme. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 24, Article 1.

BACKGROUND: Clinical management of musculoskeletal shoulder pain can be challenging due to diagnostic uncertainty, variable prognosis and limited evidence for long-term treatment benefits. The UK-based PANDA-S programme (Prognostic And Diagnostic Ass... Read More about Patients' and clinicians' perspectives towards primary care consultations for shoulder pain: qualitative findings from the Prognostic and Diagnostic Assessment of the Shoulder (PANDA-S) programme..

A systematic review of the global prevalence and incidence of shoulder pain (2022)
Journal Article
Lucas, J., van Doorn, P., Hegedus, E., Lewis, J., & Van Der Windt, D. (2022). A systematic review of the global prevalence and incidence of shoulder pain. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders,

Background and objectives
Studies reporting on the population burden of people living with shoulder pain show wide heterogeneity in terms of case definition, study samples, and occurrence. This systematic review aims to summarize evidence pertaining... Read More about A systematic review of the global prevalence and incidence of shoulder pain.

Management of Concomitant Inflammatory Bowel Disease or Uveitis in Patients With Psoriatic Arthritis: An Updated Review Informing the 2021 GRAPPA Treatment Recommendations (2022)
Journal Article
R. Jadon, D., Corp, N., Van Der Windt, D., C. Coates, L., R. Soriano, E., Kavanaugh, A., …Elaine Husni, M. (2023). Management of Concomitant Inflammatory Bowel Disease or Uveitis in Patients With Psoriatic Arthritis: An Updated Review Informing the 2021 GRAPPA Treatment Recommendations. The Journal of Rheumatology, 50(3), 438-450.

Objective: Several advanced therapies have been licensed across the related conditions of psoriatic arthritis (PsA), Crohn disease (CD), ulcerative colitis (UC), and noninfectious uveitis. We sought to summarize results from randomized controlled tri... Read More about Management of Concomitant Inflammatory Bowel Disease or Uveitis in Patients With Psoriatic Arthritis: An Updated Review Informing the 2021 GRAPPA Treatment Recommendations.

Management of Psoriatic Arthritis in Patients With Comorbidities: An Updated Literature Review Informing the 2021 GRAPPA Treatment Recommendations (2022)
Journal Article
Campanholo, C. B., Maharaj, A. B., Corp, N., Bell, S., Costa, L., de Vlam, K., …Ogdie, A. (2022). Management of Psoriatic Arthritis in Patients With Comorbidities: An Updated Literature Review Informing the 2021 GRAPPA Treatment Recommendations. The Journal of Rheumatology, 50(3), 426 - 432.

Objective: The 2021 Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis (GRAPPA) treatment recommendations provide an evidence-based guide for selecting therapy based on the individual’s disease features. Beyond the disease feature... Read More about Management of Psoriatic Arthritis in Patients With Comorbidities: An Updated Literature Review Informing the 2021 GRAPPA Treatment Recommendations.

Prognostic factors for persistent pain after a distal radius fracture: A systematic review (2022)
Journal Article
Rolls, C., Van der Windt, D. A., McCabe, C., Babatunde, O. O., & Bradshaw, E. (2022). Prognostic factors for persistent pain after a distal radius fracture: A systematic review. Hand Therapy, 27(4), 123-136.

Introduction The aim of this systematic review was to synthesize the evidence regarding prognostic factors for persistent pain, including Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), after a distal radius fracture (DRF), a common condition after which pers... Read More about Prognostic factors for persistent pain after a distal radius fracture: A systematic review.

Risk-based stratified primary care for common musculoskeletal pain presentations (STarT MSK): a cluster-randomised, controlled trial (2022)
Journal Article
Hill, J. C., Garvin, S., Bromley, K., Saunders, B., Kigozi, J., Cooper, V., …Foster, N. E. (2022). Risk-based stratified primary care for common musculoskeletal pain presentations (STarT MSK): a cluster-randomised, controlled trial. The Lancet Rheumatology, 4(9), e591 - e602.

Background Risk-based stratified care shows clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness versus usual primary care for non-specific low back pain but is untested for other common musculoskeletal disorders. We aimed to test the clinical effectiveness... Read More about Risk-based stratified primary care for common musculoskeletal pain presentations (STarT MSK): a cluster-randomised, controlled trial.

Journal Article

Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis (GRAPPA): updated treatment recommendations for psoriatic arthritis 2021. (2022)
Journal Article
Coates, L. C., Soriano, E. R., Corp, N., Bertheussen, H., Callis Duffin, K., Campanholo, C. B., …Recommendations domain subcommittees, G. T. (2022). Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis (GRAPPA): updated treatment recommendations for psoriatic arthritis 2021. Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 18, 465 - 479.

Since the second version of the Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis (GRAPPA) treatment recommendations were published in 2015, therapeutic options for psoriatic arthritis (PsA) have advanced considerably. This work... Read More about Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis (GRAPPA): updated treatment recommendations for psoriatic arthritis 2021..

Healthcare utilization and related costs among older people seeking primary care due to back pain: findings from the BACE-N cohort study (2022)
Journal Article
Munk Killingmo, R., Storheim, K., Van Der Windt, D., Zolic-Karlsson, Z., Nesse Vigdal, Ø., Kretz, L., …Grotle, M. (2022). Healthcare utilization and related costs among older people seeking primary care due to back pain: findings from the BACE-N cohort study. BMJ Open, 12(6), Article ARTN e057778.

OBJECTIVES: To describe healthcare utilization and estimate associated costs during 1?year of follow-up among older people seeking primary care due to a new episode back pain and to describe healthcare utilization across patients with different risk... Read More about Healthcare utilization and related costs among older people seeking primary care due to back pain: findings from the BACE-N cohort study.

Modifiable prognostic factors of high costs related to healthcare utilization among older people seeking primary care due to back pain: an identification and replication study (2022)
Journal Article
Killingmo, R. M., Chiarotto, A., van der Windt, D. A., Storheim, K., Bierma-Zeinstra, S. M. A., Småstuen, M. C., …Grotle, M. (2022). Modifiable prognostic factors of high costs related to healthcare utilization among older people seeking primary care due to back pain: an identification and replication study. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), Article ARTN 793.

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:sec> <jats:title>Background</jats:title> <jats:p>Back pain is an extensive burden to our healthcare system, yet few studies have explored modifiable prognostic factors associated with high costs related to healt... Read More about Modifiable prognostic factors of high costs related to healthcare utilization among older people seeking primary care due to back pain: an identification and replication study.