Reliability of Assessing Hand Osteoarthritis on Digital Photographs and Associations With Radiographic and Clinical Findings.
Journal Article
Marshall, M., Jonsson, H., Helgadottir, G. P., Nicholls, E., Van Der Windt, D., Myers, H., & Dziedzic, K. (2014). Reliability of Assessing Hand Osteoarthritis on Digital Photographs and Associations With Radiographic and Clinical Findings. Arthritis Care & Research, 66(6), 828 - 836.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the reliability and construct validity of an atlas for grading hand osteoarthritis (OA) on photographs in a separate younger community-dwelling population than the development cohort. METHODS: Participants were community-dwe... Read More about Reliability of Assessing Hand Osteoarthritis on Digital Photographs and Associations With Radiographic and Clinical Findings..