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Professor Krysia Dziedzic's Outputs (13)

The clinical and cost-effectiveness of corticosteroid injection versus night splints for carpal tunnel syndrome (INSTINCTS trial): an open-label, parallel group, randomised controlled trial. (2018)
Journal Article
Chesterton, L. S., Blagojevic-Bucknall, M., Burton, C., Dziedzic, K. S., Davenport, G., Jowett, S. M., …Roddy, E. (2018). The clinical and cost-effectiveness of corticosteroid injection versus night splints for carpal tunnel syndrome (INSTINCTS trial): an open-label, parallel group, randomised controlled trial. The Lancet, 392(10156), 1423 - 1433.

To our knowledge, the comparative effectiveness of commonly used conservative treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome has not been evaluated previously in primary care. We aimed to compare the clinical and cost-effectiveness of night splint... Read More about The clinical and cost-effectiveness of corticosteroid injection versus night splints for carpal tunnel syndrome (INSTINCTS trial): an open-label, parallel group, randomised controlled trial..

Identification and Evaluation of Self-Report Physical Activity Instruments in Adults With Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review (2018)
Journal Article
Dziedzic, K., Holden, M., & Healey, E. L. (2019). Identification and Evaluation of Self-Report Physical Activity Instruments in Adults With Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review. Arthritis Care and Research, 71(2), 237-251.

To identify and evaluate the measurement properties of self-report physical activity (PA) instruments suitable for those with osteoarthritis (OA).

A comprehensive two-stage systematic review using multiple electronic databases... Read More about Identification and Evaluation of Self-Report Physical Activity Instruments in Adults With Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review.

Hand osteoarthritis: clinical phenotypes, molecular mechanisms and disease management (2018)
Journal Article
Marshall, M., Watt, F. E., Vincent, T. L., & Dziedzic, K. (2018). Hand osteoarthritis: clinical phenotypes, molecular mechanisms and disease management. Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 14, 641-656.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a highly prevalent condition and the hand is the most commonly affected site. Patients with hand OA frequently report symptoms of pain, functional limitations, and frustration in undertaking everyday activities. The condition p... Read More about Hand osteoarthritis: clinical phenotypes, molecular mechanisms and disease management.

Uptake of the NICE osteoarthritis guidelines in primary care: a survey of older adults with joint pain (2018)
Journal Article
Healey, E. L., Afolabi, E. K., Lewis, M., Edwards, J. J., Jordan, K. P., Finney, A., …Dziedzic, K. S. (2018). Uptake of the NICE osteoarthritis guidelines in primary care: a survey of older adults with joint pain. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 19, Article 295.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a leading cause of pain and disability. NICE OA guidelines (2008) recommend that patients with OA should be offered core treatments in primary care. Assessments of OA management have identified a need to improve pri... Read More about Uptake of the NICE osteoarthritis guidelines in primary care: a survey of older adults with joint pain.

Relationship of anxiety with joint pain and its management: A population survey (2018)
Journal Article
Barnett, L. A., Pritchard, M. G., Edwards, J. J., Afolabi, E. K., Jordan, K. P., Healey, E. L., …Dziedzic, K. S. (2018). Relationship of anxiety with joint pain and its management: A population survey. Musculoskeletal Care, 16(3), 353-362.

The aims of the present study was to examine the associations between the severity of pain and anxiety in a community population reporting joint pain, and to investigate the management of joint pain in the presence of comorbid anxiety.... Read More about Relationship of anxiety with joint pain and its management: A population survey.

Challenges and controversies of complex interventions in osteoarthritis management: recognizing inappropriate and discordant care (2018)
Journal Article
Dziedzic, K. S., & Allen, K. D. (2018). Challenges and controversies of complex interventions in osteoarthritis management: recognizing inappropriate and discordant care. Rheumatology, 57(S4), 88 - 98.

A number of controversies and challenges exist for the management of OA in health care. This paper describes the challenges and gaps in OA care, particularly in relation to population health management, complex interventions and outcomes. It sets thi... Read More about Challenges and controversies of complex interventions in osteoarthritis management: recognizing inappropriate and discordant care.

Implementing international osteoarthritis guidelines in an integrated care model – results from a cluster randomized controlled trial (2018)
Journal Article
Østerås, N., Moseng, T., van Bodegom-Vos, L., Dziedzic, K., Mdala, I., Natvig, B., …Hagen, K. (2018). Implementing international osteoarthritis guidelines in an integrated care model – results from a cluster randomized controlled trial. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 26(S1),

Purpose: Previous research indicates that people with osteoarthritis (OA) are not receiving the recommended and optimal treatment. Based on international treatment recommendations for hip and knee OA and previous research, the SAMBA model for integra... Read More about Implementing international osteoarthritis guidelines in an integrated care model – results from a cluster randomized controlled trial.

Hydroxychloroquine Effectiveness in Reducing Symptoms of Hand Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Trial (2018)
Journal Article
Dziedzic. (2018). Hydroxychloroquine Effectiveness in Reducing Symptoms of Hand Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Trial. Annals of Internal Medicine,

Background: Synovitis is believed to play a role in producing symptoms in persons with hand osteoarthritis, but data on slow-acting anti-inflammatory treatments are sparse. Objective: To determine the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine versus placeb... Read More about Hydroxychloroquine Effectiveness in Reducing Symptoms of Hand Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Trial.

Cost-effectiveness of a model consultation to support self-management in patients with osteoarthritis (2018)
Journal Article
Oppong, R., Jowett, S., Lewis, M., Clarkson, K., Paskins, Z., Croft, P., …Dziedzic, K. (2018). Cost-effectiveness of a model consultation to support self-management in patients with osteoarthritis. Rheumatology, 57(6), 1056-1063.

Objectives: The aim of this study was to estimate the cost-effectiveness of a model OA consultation for OA to support self-management compared with usual care. Methods: An incremental cost-utility analysis using patient responses to the three-level E... Read More about Cost-effectiveness of a model consultation to support self-management in patients with osteoarthritis.

Evidence flowers: An innovative, visual method of presenting “best evidence” summaries to health professional and lay audiences (2018)
Journal Article
Babatunde, O., Tan, V., Jordan, J., Dziedzic, K., Chew-Graham, C., Jinks, C., …Van Der Windt, D. (2018). Evidence flowers: An innovative, visual method of presenting “best evidence” summaries to health professional and lay audiences. Research Synthesis Methods, 9(2), 273-284.

Background & Aims
Barriers to dissemination and engagement with evidence pose a threat to implementing evidence-based medicine. Understanding, retention, and recall can be enhanced by visual presentation of information. The aim of this exploratory r... Read More about Evidence flowers: An innovative, visual method of presenting “best evidence” summaries to health professional and lay audiences.

Enhancing delivery of osteoarthritis care in the general practice consultation: evaluation of a behaviour change intervention (2018)
Journal Article
Porcheret, M., Main, C., Croft, P., & Dziedzic, K. (2018). Enhancing delivery of osteoarthritis care in the general practice consultation: evaluation of a behaviour change intervention. BMC Family Practice, 19, Article 26.

BACKGROUND: Professionally-focussed behaviour change intervention (BCI) workshops were utilised in the Management of OsteoArthritis in Consultations (MOSAICS) trial investigating the feasibility of implementing the National Institute for Health and C... Read More about Enhancing delivery of osteoarthritis care in the general practice consultation: evaluation of a behaviour change intervention.

Clinical course and prognostic factors across different musculoskeletal pain sites: A secondary analysis of individual patient data from randomised clinical trials. (2018)
Journal Article
Green, D., Lewis, M., Mansell, G., Artus, M., Dziedzic, K., Hay, E., …Van Der Windt, D. (2018). Clinical course and prognostic factors across different musculoskeletal pain sites: A secondary analysis of individual patient data from randomised clinical trials. European Journal of Pain, 22(6), 1057-1070.

BACKGROUND: Previous research has identified similar prognostic factors in patients with musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions regardless of pain presentation, generating opportunities for management based on prognosis rather than specific pain presentati... Read More about Clinical course and prognostic factors across different musculoskeletal pain sites: A secondary analysis of individual patient data from randomised clinical trials..