Restricted self-care and looking after the home in adults aged 50 year and older with hand osteoarthritis; prevalence and links with joint specific characteristics
Presentation / Conference
Greenhill, Y., Wilkie, R., Nicholls, E., Myers, H., Marshall, M., Hill, S., & Dziedzic, K. (2009, April). Restricted self-care and looking after the home in adults aged 50 year and older with hand osteoarthritis; prevalence and links with joint specific characteristics
Professor Krysia Dziedzic's Outputs (51)
The impact of constant and intermittent pain in people with hand osteoarthritis (2009)
Presentation / Conference
Dziedzic, K., Peat, G., Nicholls, E., Myers, H., Hill, S., Marshall, M., & van der Windt, D. (2009, April). The impact of constant and intermittent pain in people with hand osteoarthritis. Paper presented at Rheumatology '09
Defining clinical sub-groups of hand osteoarthritis in older adults: The clinical assessment study of the hand (CAS-HA) (2009)
Presentation / Conference
Dziedzic, K., Nicholls, E., Myers, H., Peat, G., Thomas, E., Wood, L., …van der Windt, D. (2009, April). Defining clinical sub-groups of hand osteoarthritis in older adults: The clinical assessment study of the hand (CAS-HA). Presented at BSR Annual Meeting and BHPR Spring Meeting
The effect of adaptation behaviour on hand function in older adults with self-reported hand problems (2008)
Presentation / Conference
Myers, H., Nicholls, E., & Dziedzic, K. (2008, April). The effect of adaptation behaviour on hand function in older adults with self-reported hand problems. Paper presented at BSR Annual Meeting and BHPR Spring Meeting
Current treatment approaches in a population-based sample with hand osteoarthritis: Comparison with EULAR recommendations (2007)
Presentation / Conference
Dziedzic, K., Myers, H., Nicholls, E., Marshall, M., Peat, G., Tyson, C., …Hay, E. M. (2007, December). Current treatment approaches in a population-based sample with hand osteoarthritis: Comparison with EULAR recommendations
Current treatment approaches in a population-based sample with hand osteoarthritis: Comparison with EULAR recommendations (2007)
Presentation / Conference
Dziedzic, K. . S., Myers, H., Nicholls, E., Marshall, M., Peat, G., Tyson, C., …Hay, E. . M. (2007, June). Current treatment approaches in a population-based sample with hand osteoarthritis: Comparison with EULAR recommendations. Paper presented at Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR 2007), Barcelona, SPAIN
Current treatment approaches in a population-based sample with hand osteoarthritis: Comparison with EULAR recommendations (2007)
Presentation / Conference
Dziedzic, K. S., Myers, H., Nicholls, E., Marshall, M., Peat, G., Tyson, C., …Hay, E. M. (2007, June). Current treatment approaches in a population-based sample with hand osteoarthritis: Comparison with EULAR recommendations. Paper presented at Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR 2007), Barcelona, SPAIN
Radiographic presentation of osteoarthritis of the thumb (2007)
Presentation / Conference
Marshall, M., Dziedzic, K. . S., Nicholls, E. . E., Myers, H. . L., & Hay, E. . M. (2007, May). Radiographic presentation of osteoarthritis of the thumb. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the British-Society-of-Rheumatology, Birmingham, ENGLAND
The impact of non-inflammatory musculoskeletal hand conditions in a community dwelling population of older adults (2007)
Presentation / Conference
Dziedzic, K., Nicholls, E., Myers, H., Peat, G., Handy, J., Thomas, E., …Hay, E. M. (2007, May). The impact of non-inflammatory musculoskeletal hand conditions in a community dwelling population of older adults
Assessing features of hand osteoarthritis using digital images: Inter-observer reliability between health professionals. (2007)
Presentation / Conference
Vohora, K., Handy, J., Nicholls, E., Myers, H., Marshall, M., Duncan, R., …Dziedzic, K. S. (2007, May). Assessing features of hand osteoarthritis using digital images: Inter-observer reliability between health professionals. Paper presented at Royal College of Nursing (RCN) International Nursing Research Conference, Dundee, SCOTLAND
Evidence Flowers: Improving accessibility and engagement with evidence based guidance.
Presentation / Conference
Protheroe, Babatunde, Dziedzic, Van Der Windt, Jordan, & Chew-Graham. Evidence Flowers: Improving accessibility and engagement with evidence based guidance. Presented at Evidence live