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Yibin Fu's Outputs (49)

Wrinkling of differentially growing bilayers with similar film and substrate moduli (2024)
Journal Article
Shen, J., Fu, Y., Pirrera, A., & Groh, R. M. (2024). Wrinkling of differentially growing bilayers with similar film and substrate moduli. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 193, Article 105900.

Growth-induced surface wrinkling in constrained bilayers comprising a thin film attached to a thick substrate is a canonical model for understanding pattern formation in many biological systems. While the bilayer model has received much prior attenti... Read More about Wrinkling of differentially growing bilayers with similar film and substrate moduli.

Wrinkling of a film/substrate bilayer with periodic material properties: An assessment of the Winkler foundation model (2024)
Journal Article
Fu, Y., Wang, Y.-S., & Fu, Y. (2024). Wrinkling of a film/substrate bilayer with periodic material properties: An assessment of the Winkler foundation model. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 166, 1-12.

The Winkler foundation model is often used to analyze the wrinkling of a film/substrate bilayer under compression, and it can be rigorously justified when both the film and substrate are homogeneous and the film is much stiffer than the substrate. We... Read More about Wrinkling of a film/substrate bilayer with periodic material properties: An assessment of the Winkler foundation model.

On the incremental equations in surface elasticity (2024)
Journal Article
Yu, X., & Fu, Y. (in press). On the incremental equations in surface elasticity. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids,

We derive the incremental equations for a hyperelastic solid that incorporate surface tension effect by assuming that the surface energy is a general function of the surface deformation gradient. The incremental equations take the same simple form as... Read More about On the incremental equations in surface elasticity.

New mountain ridge modes in a film/substrate bilayer (2023)
Journal Article
Fu, Y., Wang, Y., & Fu, Y. (in press). New mountain ridge modes in a film/substrate bilayer. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 1-15.

This article is concerned with the buckling of a film-substrate bilayer in a state of plane strain when it is subjected to a uni-axial compression along its free surface. Previous numerical simulations have indicated that pre-stretching the substrate... Read More about New mountain ridge modes in a film/substrate bilayer.

Stochastic flutter analysis of a three-degree-of-freedom airfoil under vertical turbulence disturbance (2023)
Journal Article
Hao, Y., Guo, X., & Fu, Y. (2024). Stochastic flutter analysis of a three-degree-of-freedom airfoil under vertical turbulence disturbance. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 158, Article 104584.

This paper investigates the nonlinear stochastic dynamic response of a three-degree-of-freedom(3-DOF) airfoil with high substructural nonlinearity under vertical turbulent disturbances. Considering a two-dimensional flow field, the Dryden turbulence... Read More about Stochastic flutter analysis of a three-degree-of-freedom airfoil under vertical turbulence disturbance.

Axisymmetric necking of a circular electrodes-coated dielectric membrane (2023)
Journal Article
Fu. (2023). Axisymmetric necking of a circular electrodes-coated dielectric membrane. Mechanics of Materials, 104645 - 104645.

We investigate the stability of a circular electrodes-coated dielectric membrane under the combined action of an electric field and all-round in-plane tension. It is known that such a membrane is susceptible to the limiting point instability (also kn... Read More about Axisymmetric necking of a circular electrodes-coated dielectric membrane.

A one-dimensional model for axisymmetric deformations of an inflated hyperelastic tube of finite wall thickness (2023)
Journal Article
Fu. (2023). A one-dimensional model for axisymmetric deformations of an inflated hyperelastic tube of finite wall thickness. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 175, Article 105276.

We derive a one-dimensional (1d) model for the analysis of bulging or necking in an inflated hy?perelastic tube of finite wall thickness from the three-dimensional (3d) finite elasticity theory by
applying the dimension reduction methodology propose... Read More about A one-dimensional model for axisymmetric deformations of an inflated hyperelastic tube of finite wall thickness.

Localized bulging of an inflated rubber tube with fixed ends (2022)
Journal Article
Fu, Y., Guo, Z., & Wang, S. (2022). Localized bulging of an inflated rubber tube with fixed ends. Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 380(2234), 20210318 - ?.

When a rubber tube with free ends is inflated under volume control, the pressure will first reach a maximum and then decrease monotonically to approach a constant asymptote. The pressure maximum corresponds to the initiation of a localized bulge and... Read More about Localized bulging of an inflated rubber tube with fixed ends.

A refined model for the buckling of film/substrate bilayers (2022)
Journal Article
Wang, G., Liu, Y., & Fu, Y. (2022). A refined model for the buckling of film/substrate bilayers. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids,

The classical reduced model for film/substrate bilayers is the one in which the film is governed by the Euler–Bernoulli beam equation, and the substrate is replaced by an array of springs (the so-called Winkler foundation assumption). We derive a ref... Read More about A refined model for the buckling of film/substrate bilayers.

An analytic derivation of the bifurcation conditions for localization in hyperelastic tubes and sheets (2022)
Journal Article
Fu. (2022). An analytic derivation of the bifurcation conditions for localization in hyperelastic tubes and sheets. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik,

We provide an analytic derivation of the bifurcation conditions for localized bulging in an inflated hyperelastic tube of arbitrary wall thickness and axisymmetric necking in a hyperelastic sheet under equibiaxial stretching. It has previously been s... Read More about An analytic derivation of the bifurcation conditions for localization in hyperelastic tubes and sheets.

Axisymmetric necking versus Treloar–Kearsley instability in a hyperelastic sheet under equibiaxial stretching (2022)
Journal Article
Fu. (2022). Axisymmetric necking versus Treloar–Kearsley instability in a hyperelastic sheet under equibiaxial stretching. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids,

We consider bifurcations from the homogeneous solution of a circular or square hyperelastic sheet that is subjected to equibiaxial stretching under either force- or displacement-controlled edge conditions. We derive the condition for axisymmetric nec... Read More about Axisymmetric necking versus Treloar–Kearsley instability in a hyperelastic sheet under equibiaxial stretching.

Post-bifurcation behaviour of elasto-capillary necking and bulging in soft tubes (2021)
Journal Article
Fu. (2021). Post-bifurcation behaviour of elasto-capillary necking and bulging in soft tubes. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 1-21.

Previous linear bifurcation analyses have evidenced that an axially stretched soft cylindrical tube may develop an infinite-wavelength (localized) instability when one or both of its lateral surfaces are under sufficient surface tension. Phase transi... Read More about Post-bifurcation behaviour of elasto-capillary necking and bulging in soft tubes.

On propagation of waves in pressurized fiber-reinforced hyperelastic tubes based on a reduced model (2021)
Journal Article
Fu. (2021). On propagation of waves in pressurized fiber-reinforced hyperelastic tubes based on a reduced model. Journal of Sound and Vibration,

A refined dynamic finite-strain shell theory for incompressible hyperelastic materials was developed by the authors recently. In this paper, we first derive the associated linearized incremental theory, and then use it to investigate wave propagation... Read More about On propagation of waves in pressurized fiber-reinforced hyperelastic tubes based on a reduced model.

Biomechanical Effect of C<sub>5</sub>/C<sub>6</sub> Intervertebral Reconstructive Height on Adjacent Segments in Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion ‐ A Finite Element Analysis (2021)
Journal Article
Zhou, J., Guo, X., Kang, L., Zhao, R., Yang, X., Fu, Y., & Xue, Y. (in press). Biomechanical Effect of C5/C6 Intervertebral Reconstructive Height on Adjacent Segments in Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion ‐ A Finite Element Analysis. Orthopaedic Surgery, 13(4), 1408-1416.

ObjectiveTo investigate the biomechanical effect of different intervertebral reconstructive heights on adjacent segments following C5/C6 anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) through finite element analysis.MethodsA finite element model of i... Read More about Biomechanical Effect of C<sub>5</sub>/C<sub>6</sub> Intervertebral Reconstructive Height on Adjacent Segments in Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion ‐ A Finite Element Analysis.

Post-buckling of an elastic half-space coated by double layers (2021)
Journal Article
Fu. (2021). Post-buckling of an elastic half-space coated by double layers. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids,

We investigate the buckling and post-buckling properties of a hyperelastic half-space coated by two hyperelastic layers when the composite structure is subjected to a uniaxial compression. In the case of a half-space coated with a single layer, it is... Read More about Post-buckling of an elastic half-space coated by double layers.

Elasto-capillary circumferential buckling of soft tubes under axial loading: existence and competition with localised beading and periodic axial modes (2021)
Journal Article
Fu. (2021). Elasto-capillary circumferential buckling of soft tubes under axial loading: existence and competition with localised beading and periodic axial modes. Mechanics of soft materials,

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>We provide an extension to previous analysis of the localised beading instability of soft slender tubes under surface tension and axial stretching. The primary questions pondered here are as follows: under wha... Read More about Elasto-capillary circumferential buckling of soft tubes under axial loading: existence and competition with localised beading and periodic axial modes.

Localised bifurcation in soft cylindrical tubes under axial stretching and surface tension (2021)
Journal Article
Fu. (2021). Localised bifurcation in soft cylindrical tubes under axial stretching and surface tension. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 23- 33.

We investigate localised bulging or necking in an incompressible, hyperelastic cylindrical tube under axial stretching and surface tension. Three cases are considered in which the tube is subjected to different constraints. In case 1 the inner and ou... Read More about Localised bifurcation in soft cylindrical tubes under axial stretching and surface tension.