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Yibin Fu's Outputs (7)

Wrinkling of a compressed hyperelastic half-space with localized surface imperfections (2020)
Journal Article
Fu. (2020). Wrinkling of a compressed hyperelastic half-space with localized surface imperfections. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics,

We consider a variant of the classical Biot problem concerning the wrinkling of a compressed hyperelastic half-space. The traction-free surface is no longer flat but has a localized ridge or trench that is invariant in the x1-direction along which th... Read More about Wrinkling of a compressed hyperelastic half-space with localized surface imperfections.

Characterization and dynamical stability of fully nonlinear strain solitary waves in a fluid-filled hyperelastic membrane tube (2020)
Journal Article
Fu. (2020). Characterization and dynamical stability of fully nonlinear strain solitary waves in a fluid-filled hyperelastic membrane tube. Acta mechanica,

We first characterize strain solitary waves propagating in a fluid-filled membrane tube when the fluid is stationary prior to wave propagation and the tube is also subjected to a finite stretch. We consider the parameter regime where all traveling wa... Read More about Characterization and dynamical stability of fully nonlinear strain solitary waves in a fluid-filled hyperelastic membrane tube.

A refined dynamic finite-strain shell theory for incompressible hyperelastic materials: equations and two-dimensional shell virtual work principle. (2020)
Journal Article
Fu. (2020). A refined dynamic finite-strain shell theory for incompressible hyperelastic materials: equations and two-dimensional shell virtual work principle. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 20200031 - ?.

Based on previous work for the static problem, in this paper, we first derive one form of dynamic finite-strain shell equations for incompressible hyperelastic materials that involve three shell constitutive relations. In order to single out the bend... Read More about A refined dynamic finite-strain shell theory for incompressible hyperelastic materials: equations and two-dimensional shell virtual work principle..

Reduced model for the surface dynamics of a generally anisotropic elastic half-space (2020)
Journal Article
Prikazchikov, Kaplunov, & Fu. (2020). Reduced model for the surface dynamics of a generally anisotropic elastic half-space. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 20190590 - 20190590.

Near-surface resonance phenomena often arise in semi-infinite solids. For instance, when a moving load with a speed v close to the surface wave speed vR is applied to the surface of an elastic half-space, it will give rise to a large-amplitude distur... Read More about Reduced model for the surface dynamics of a generally anisotropic elastic half-space.

Weakly nonlinear analysis of localized bulging of an inflated hyperelastic tube of arbitrary wall thickness (2020)
Journal Article
Fu. (2020). Weakly nonlinear analysis of localized bulging of an inflated hyperelastic tube of arbitrary wall thickness. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 103804 - 103804.

A weakly nonlinear analysis is conducted for localized bulging of an inflated hyperelastic cylindrical tube of arbitrary wall thickness. Analytical expressions are obtained for the coefficients in the amplitude equation despite the fact that the prim... Read More about Weakly nonlinear analysis of localized bulging of an inflated hyperelastic tube of arbitrary wall thickness.