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Kelvin Jordan's Outputs (168)

Cost-effectiveness of a model consultation to support self-management in patients with osteoarthritis (2018)
Journal Article
Oppong, R., Jowett, S., Lewis, M., Clarkson, K., Paskins, Z., Croft, P., …Dziedzic, K. (2018). Cost-effectiveness of a model consultation to support self-management in patients with osteoarthritis. Rheumatology, 57(6), 1056-1063.

Objectives: The aim of this study was to estimate the cost-effectiveness of a model OA consultation for OA to support self-management compared with usual care. Methods: An incremental cost-utility analysis using patient responses to the three-level E... Read More about Cost-effectiveness of a model consultation to support self-management in patients with osteoarthritis.

Trajectories and predictors of the long-term course of low back pain: cohort study with 5-year follow-up (2018)
Journal Article
Jordan, K., Dunn, K., Strauss, V., Foster, N., Chen, Y., & Campbell, P. (2018). Trajectories and predictors of the long-term course of low back pain: cohort study with 5-year follow-up. PAIN, 252-260.

Low back pain (LBP) is a major health challenge globally. Research has identified common trajectories of pain over time. We aimed to investigate whether trajectories described in one primary care cohort can be confirmed in another, and to determine t... Read More about Trajectories and predictors of the long-term course of low back pain: cohort study with 5-year follow-up.

Trends in prescribing of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in patients with cardiovascular disease: influence of national guidelines in UK primary care (2018)
Journal Article
Chen, Y., Bedson, J., Hayward, R. A., & Jordan, K. P. (2018). Trends in prescribing of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in patients with cardiovascular disease: influence of national guidelines in UK primary care. Family Practice, 35(4),

Background: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are commonly used to treat pain, but have potential side effects in patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD). Objectives: To determine trends in NSAIDs prescribing between 2002 and 2010 in... Read More about Trends in prescribing of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in patients with cardiovascular disease: influence of national guidelines in UK primary care.

Patterns of routine primary care for osteoarthritis in the UK: a cross-sectional electronic health records study (2017)
Journal Article
Jackson, H., Barnett, L. A., Jordan, K. P., Dziedzic, K. S., Cottrell, E., Finney, A. G., …Edwards, J. J. (2017). Patterns of routine primary care for osteoarthritis in the UK: a cross-sectional electronic health records study. BMJ Open,

Objective To determine common patterns of recorded primary care for osteoarthritis (OA), and patient and provider characteristics associated with the quality of recorded care.

Design An observational study nested within a cluster-randomi... Read More about Patterns of routine primary care for osteoarthritis in the UK: a cross-sectional electronic health records study.

Chronic pain in families: a cross-sectional study of shared social, behavioural, and environmental influences (2017)
Journal Article
Campbell, P., Jordan, K., Dunn, K., & Smith, B. (2017). Chronic pain in families: a cross-sectional study of shared social, behavioural, and environmental influences. PAIN, 41-47.

Chronic pain is common and creates a significant burden to the individual and society. Emerging research has shown the influence of the family environment on pain outcomes. However, it is not clear what shared factors between family members associate... Read More about Chronic pain in families: a cross-sectional study of shared social, behavioural, and environmental influences.

Increased risk of mortality following recorded presentation of symptoms of breathlessness and wheeze in primary care: a matched cohort study using electronic health records (2017)
Presentation / Conference
Chen, Y., Hayward, R., Chew-Graham, C., Hubbard, R., Sims, K., & Jordan, K. (2017, September). Increased risk of mortality following recorded presentation of symptoms of breathlessness and wheeze in primary care: a matched cohort study using electronic health records. Presented at (Oxford) The School for Primary Care Research annual showcase, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Validity of the Visual Trajectories Questionnaire for Pain (2017)
Journal Article
Dunn, K. M., Campbell, P., & Jordan, K. P. (2017). Validity of the Visual Trajectories Questionnaire for Pain. The Journal of Pain, 1451-1458.

Researchers have identified trajectories of pain derived using statistical techniques on longitudinal data. These trajectories have potential to be of use clinically but the repeated data collection required is currently impractical for such situatio... Read More about Validity of the Visual Trajectories Questionnaire for Pain.

Population trends in the incidence and initial management of osteoarthritis: age-period-cohort analysis of the Clinical Practice Research Datalink, 1992–2013 (2017)
Journal Article
Yu, D., Jordan, K., Bedson, J., Englund, M., Blyth, F., Turkiewicz, A., …Peat, G. (2017). Population trends in the incidence and initial management of osteoarthritis: age-period-cohort analysis of the Clinical Practice Research Datalink, 1992–2013. Rheumatology, 56(11), 1902-1917.

To determine recent trends in the rate and management of new cases of OA presenting to primary healthcare using UK nationally representative data.

Using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink we identified new cases of diagnos... Read More about Population trends in the incidence and initial management of osteoarthritis: age-period-cohort analysis of the Clinical Practice Research Datalink, 1992–2013.

Effect of a model consultation informed by guideline on recorded quality of care of osteoarthritis (MOSAICS): a cluster randomised controlled trial in primary care (2017)
Journal Article
Jordan, K., Edwards, J., Porcheret, M., Healey, E., Jinks, C., Bedson, J., …Dziedzic, K. (2017). Effect of a model consultation informed by guideline on recorded quality of care of osteoarthritis (MOSAICS): a cluster randomised controlled trial in primary care. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 25(10), 1588-1597.

To determine the effect of a model osteoarthritis (OA) consultation (MOAC) informed by National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommendations compared with usual care on recorded quality of care of clinical OA in general... Read More about Effect of a model consultation informed by guideline on recorded quality of care of osteoarthritis (MOSAICS): a cluster randomised controlled trial in primary care.

Chest pain and shortness of breath in cardiovascular disease: a prospective cohort study in UK primary care (2017)
Journal Article
Barnett, L. A., Prior, J. A., Kadam, U. T., & Jordan, K. P. (2017). Chest pain and shortness of breath in cardiovascular disease: a prospective cohort study in UK primary care. BMJ Open, 7(5), Article e015857.

OBJECTIVE: To determine characteristics associated with monthly chest pain and shortness of breath (SoB) during activity in cardiovascular disease (CVD) and trajectories of these symptoms over 10 months. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: Baseline questionnai... Read More about Chest pain and shortness of breath in cardiovascular disease: a prospective cohort study in UK primary care.

Does metformin protect against osteoarthritis? An electronic health record cohort study (2017)
Journal Article
Barnett, L. A., Jordan, K. P., Edwards, J. J., & Van Der Windt, D. A. (2017). Does metformin protect against osteoarthritis? An electronic health record cohort study. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 623-628.

Obesity is a major risk factor for osteoarthritis (OA) whilst there is some evidence that diabetes also increases risk. Metformin is a common oral treatment for those with diabetes.

The aim is to investigate whether metformi... Read More about Does metformin protect against osteoarthritis? An electronic health record cohort study.

Affective concordance in couples: a cross-sectional analysis of depression and anxiety consultations within a population of 13,507 couples in primary care (2017)
Journal Article
Walker, J., Liddle, J., Jordan, K., & Campbell, P. (2017). Affective concordance in couples: a cross-sectional analysis of depression and anxiety consultations within a population of 13,507 couples in primary care. BMC Psychiatry,

Depression and anxiety are common and have a significant impact on the individual and wider society. One theory proposed to explain a heightened risk for depression and anxiety is affective concordance in couples (e.g. influence of shared... Read More about Affective concordance in couples: a cross-sectional analysis of depression and anxiety consultations within a population of 13,507 couples in primary care.

Affective concordance in couples: a cross-sectional analysis of depression and anxiety consultations within a population of 13,507 couples in primary care. (2017)
Journal Article
Walker, J., Liddle, J., Jordan, K., & Campbell, P. (2017). Affective concordance in couples: a cross-sectional analysis of depression and anxiety consultations within a population of 13,507 couples in primary care. BMC Psychiatry, 17, Article 190.

Depression and anxiety are common and have a significant impact on the individual and wider society. One theory proposed to explain a heightened risk for depression and anxiety is affective concordance in couples (e.g. influence of shared... Read More about Affective concordance in couples: a cross-sectional analysis of depression and anxiety consultations within a population of 13,507 couples in primary care..

Brief pain re-assessment provided more accurate prognosis than baseline information for low-back or shoulder pain (2017)
Journal Article
Jordan, Dunn, & Van Der Windt. (2017). Brief pain re-assessment provided more accurate prognosis than baseline information for low-back or shoulder pain. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders,

Research investigating prognosis in musculoskeletal pain conditions has only been moderately successful in predicting which patients are unlikely to recover. Clinical decision making could potentially be improved by combining information... Read More about Brief pain re-assessment provided more accurate prognosis than baseline information for low-back or shoulder pain.

Prognosis of undiagnosed chest pain: linked electronic health record cohort study (2017)
Journal Article
Jordan, K. P., Timmis, A., Croft, P., van der Windt, D. A., Denaxas, S., González-Izquierdo, A., …Hemingway, H. (2017). Prognosis of undiagnosed chest pain: linked electronic health record cohort study. BMJ, 357, Article j1194.

Objective To ascertain long term cardiovascular outcomes in patients whose chest pain remained undiagnosed six months after first presentation.Design Cohort study.Setting UK electronic health record database (CALIBER) linking primary care, secondary... Read More about Prognosis of undiagnosed chest pain: linked electronic health record cohort study.

Prognosis research ideally should measure time-varying predictors at their intended moment of use (2017)
Journal Article
Whittle, R., Royle, K., Jordan, K. P., Riley, R. D., Mallen, C. D., & Peat, G. (2017). Prognosis research ideally should measure time-varying predictors at their intended moment of use. Diagnostic and Prognostic Research, 1, Article 1.

Prognosis research studies (e.g. those deriving prognostic models or examining potential predictors of outcome) often collect information on time-varying predictors after their intended moment of use, sometimes using a measurement method... Read More about Prognosis research ideally should measure time-varying predictors at their intended moment of use.

Identifying patients with chronic widespread pain in primary care. (2017)
Journal Article
Mansfield, K., Sim, J., Croft, P., & Jordan, K. (2017). Identifying patients with chronic widespread pain in primary care. PAIN, 158, 110-119.

Chronic widespread pain (CWP) is common in the general population. It is unclear how people reporting this problem present in primary care; they may regularly consult for regional pains without being recognized as having a generalized condition. Our... Read More about Identifying patients with chronic widespread pain in primary care..

Re-consultation, self-reported health status, and costs following treatment at a Musculoskeletal Clinical Assessment and Treatment Service (CATS): a twelve-month prospective cohort study (2016)
Journal Article
Roddy, E., Jordan, K. P., Oppong, R., Chen, Y., Jowett, S., Dawes, P., …Hay, E. M. (2016). Re-consultation, self-reported health status, and costs following treatment at a Musculoskeletal Clinical Assessment and Treatment Service (CATS): a twelve-month prospective cohort study. BMJ Open, 6(10),

Objectives To determine (1) reconsultation frequency, (2) change in self-reported health status, (3) baseline factors associated with reconsultation and change in health status and (4) associated healthcare costs and quality-adjusted life-years (QALY... Read More about Re-consultation, self-reported health status, and costs following treatment at a Musculoskeletal Clinical Assessment and Treatment Service (CATS): a twelve-month prospective cohort study.