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Kelvin Jordan's Outputs (17)

Influences on the decision to use an osteoarthritis diagnosis in primary care: a cohort study with linked survey and electronic health record data (2015)
Journal Article
Jordan, K., Tan, V., Edwards, J., Chen, Y., Englund, M., Hubertsson, J., …Peat, G. (2016). Influences on the decision to use an osteoarthritis diagnosis in primary care: a cohort study with linked survey and electronic health record data. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 24(5), 786-793.

Clinicians may record patients presenting with osteoarthritis (OA) symptoms with joint pain rather than an OA diagnosis. This may have implications for OA research studies and patient care. The objective was to assess whether older adults... Read More about Influences on the decision to use an osteoarthritis diagnosis in primary care: a cohort study with linked survey and electronic health record data.

Development of hand phenotypes and changes in hand pain and problems over time in older people (2015)
Journal Article
Green, D. J., Jordan, K. P., Protheroe, J., & Van Der Windt, D. A. (2015). Development of hand phenotypes and changes in hand pain and problems over time in older people. PAIN, 569-576.

Hand disabilities are frequent causes of pain and disability in older people, yet knowledge regarding the characteristics and patterns of hand pain and problems over time is lacking. The main aim of this study was to identify sub-groups of older indi... Read More about Development of hand phenotypes and changes in hand pain and problems over time in older people.

The relative importance of perceived doctor's attitude on the decision to consult for symptomatic osteoarthritis: a choice-based conjoint analysis study. (2015)
Journal Article
Coxon, D., Frisher, M., Jinks, C., Jordan, K., Paskins, Z., & Peat, G. (2015). The relative importance of perceived doctor's attitude on the decision to consult for symptomatic osteoarthritis: a choice-based conjoint analysis study. BMJ Open,

Objectives Some patients spend years with painful osteoarthritis without consulting for it, including times when they are experiencing persistent severe pain and disability. Beliefs about osteoarthritis and what primary care has to offer may influenc... Read More about The relative importance of perceived doctor's attitude on the decision to consult for symptomatic osteoarthritis: a choice-based conjoint analysis study..

Self reported quality care for knee osteoarthritis: comparisons across Denmark, Norway, Portugal and UK (2015)
Journal Article
Østerås, N., Jordan, K. P., Clausen, B., Cordeiro, C., Dziedzic, K., Edwards, J., …Hagen, K. B. (2015). Self reported quality care for knee osteoarthritis: comparisons across Denmark, Norway, Portugal and UK. RMD Open, 1(1),

Objectives To assess and compare patient perceived quality of osteoarthritis (OA) management in primary healthcare in Denmark, Norway, Portugal and the UK.

Methods Participants consulting with clinical signs and symptoms of knee OA were identified... Read More about Self reported quality care for knee osteoarthritis: comparisons across Denmark, Norway, Portugal and UK.

A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of chronic widespread pain in the general population. (2015)
Journal Article
Mansfield, K. E., Sim, J., Jordan, J. L., & Jordan, K. P. (2015). A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of chronic widespread pain in the general population. PAIN, 157(1), 55-64.

Chronic widespread pain (CWP) is common and associated with poor general health. There has been no attempt to derive a robust prevalence estimate of CWP, or assess how this is influenced by socio-demographic factors. This study therefore aimed to det... Read More about A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of chronic widespread pain in the general population..

In sickness and in health: a cross-sectional analysis of concordance for musculoskeletal consultations in 13,507 couples (2015)
Journal Article
Campbell, P., Shraim, M., Jordan, K., & Dunn, K. (2016). In sickness and in health: a cross-sectional analysis of concordance for musculoskeletal consultations in 13,507 couples. European Journal of Pain, 20(3), 438-446

Musculoskeletal pain conditions are common and create substantial burden for the individual and society. While research has shown concordance between couples for risk of some diseases, e.g. heart disease or diabetes, little information is... Read More about In sickness and in health: a cross-sectional analysis of concordance for musculoskeletal consultations in 13,507 couples.

In sickness and in health: A cross-sectional analysis of concordance for musculoskeletal pain in 13,507 couples (2015)
Journal Article
Campbell, P., Shraim, M., Jordan, K., & Dunn, K. (2015). In sickness and in health: A cross-sectional analysis of concordance for musculoskeletal pain in 13,507 couples. European Journal of Pain, 20(3), 438-446.

Background: Musculoskeletal pain conditions are common and create substantial burden for the individual and society. While research has shown concordance between couples for risk of some diseases, e.g. heart disease or diabetes, little information is... Read More about In sickness and in health: A cross-sectional analysis of concordance for musculoskeletal pain in 13,507 couples.

Annual consultation incidence of osteoarthritis estimated from population-based health care data in England (2015)
Journal Article
Yu, D., Peat, G., Bedson, J., & Jordan, K. P. (2015). Annual consultation incidence of osteoarthritis estimated from population-based health care data in England. Rheumatology, 54(11), 2051-2060.

OBJECTIVES: To estimate the consultation incidence of OA using population-based health care data in England and compare OA incidence figures with those derived in other countries. METHODS: A population-based health care database (Consultations in Pri... Read More about Annual consultation incidence of osteoarthritis estimated from population-based health care data in England.

Presentation of respiratory symptoms prior to diagnosis in general practice: a case-control study examining free text and morbidity codes (2015)
Journal Article
Hayward, R. A., Chen, Y., Croft, P., & Jordan, K. (2015). Presentation of respiratory symptoms prior to diagnosis in general practice: a case-control study examining free text and morbidity codes. BMJ Open, 5(6), Article e007355.

OBJECTIVE: General practitioners can record patients' presenting symptoms by using a code or free text. We compared breathlessness and wheeze symptom codes and free text recorded prior to diagnosis of ischaemic heart disease (IHD), chronic obstructiv... Read More about Presentation of respiratory symptoms prior to diagnosis in general practice: a case-control study examining free text and morbidity codes.

Journal Article
Edwards, J. J., Jordan, K. P., Porcheret, M., Healey, E. L., Jinks, C., Bedson, J., …Dziedzic, K. S. (2015). EFFECT OF A MODEL CONSULTATION ON QUALITY OF CARE OF OSTEOARTHRITIS: A PRIMARY CARE CLUSTER RANDOMISED TRIAL. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 74(S2), 108-109.

Background Uptake of recommended assessment and management strategies for osteoarthritis (OA) in primary care has not consistently been achieved.

Objectives To determine the effect of a model OA consultation, informed by NICE OA recommendations, t... Read More about EFFECT OF A MODEL CONSULTATION ON QUALITY OF CARE OF OSTEOARTHRITIS: A PRIMARY CARE CLUSTER RANDOMISED TRIAL.

AB1186 Association Between Primary Care Coding of Joint-Related Problems in Older Adults and Risk Factors for Osteoarthritis (2015)
Journal Article
Tan, V., Porcheret, M., & Jordan, K. (2015). AB1186 Association Between Primary Care Coding of Joint-Related Problems in Older Adults and Risk Factors for Osteoarthritis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 74(Suppl 2), 1299.3-1300.

Background Osteoarthritis (OA) is recognised as the most prevalent joint disorder in the world. However, accurate estimates of true disease prevalence are affected by a number of factors which include the definition of OA applied. UK guidance recomme... Read More about AB1186 Association Between Primary Care Coding of Joint-Related Problems in Older Adults and Risk Factors for Osteoarthritis.

Variations in patient-reported physical health between cardiac and musculoskeletal diseases: systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based studies. (2015)
Journal Article
Prior, J. A., Jordan, K. P., & Kadam, U. T. (2015). Variations in patient-reported physical health between cardiac and musculoskeletal diseases: systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based studies. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 13, Article 71.

Population-based assessments of physical health are important to evaluate healthcare resource allocation. Normative data on the level of physical impairments attributable to specific diseases and severity levels within these diseases is critical to i... Read More about Variations in patient-reported physical health between cardiac and musculoskeletal diseases: systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based studies..