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Kelvin Jordan's Outputs (189)

The relationship of individual and neighbourhood deprivation with morbidity in older adults: an observational study. (2014)
Journal Article
Jordan, K. P., Hayward, R., Roberts, E., Edwards, J. J., & Kadam, U. T. (2014). The relationship of individual and neighbourhood deprivation with morbidity in older adults: an observational study. European Journal of Public Health, 396 - 398.

The objective was to determine the relative association of social class and neighbourhood deprivation with primary care consultation for eight morbidities. In 18,047 survey responders aged =50 years, living in more deprived neighbourhoods was indepen... Read More about The relationship of individual and neighbourhood deprivation with morbidity in older adults: an observational study..

Socioeconomic status and the risk for being diagnosed with spondyloarthritis and chronic pain: a nested case-control study (2014)
Journal Article
Joud, A., Petersson, I. F., Jordan, K. P., Lofvendahl, S., Grahn, B., & Englund, M. (2014). Socioeconomic status and the risk for being diagnosed with spondyloarthritis and chronic pain: a nested case-control study. Rheumatology International, 34(9), 1291-1298.

Socioeconomic status could potentially impact on which type of rheumatic diagnosis a patient receives. We determined whether different socioeconomic status is a risk factor for being diagnosed with spondyloarthritis (SpA) or chronic pain. In a nested... Read More about Socioeconomic status and the risk for being diagnosed with spondyloarthritis and chronic pain: a nested case-control study.

74. Uptake of the Nice Osteoarthritis Core Treatments In Community Dwelling Older Adults with a Self-Reported Primary Care Consultation for Joint Pain (2014)
Journal Article
Healey, E. L., Afolabi, E. K., Lewis, M., Edwards, J. J., Jordan, K. P., Finney, A., …Dziedzic, K. S. (2014). 74. Uptake of the Nice Osteoarthritis Core Treatments In Community Dwelling Older Adults with a Self-Reported Primary Care Consultation for Joint Pain. Rheumatology, 53(suppl_1), i83-i83.

45. Annual Consultation Incidence of Osteoarthritis Using Population-Based Healthcare Data in England (2014)
Journal Article
Yu, D., Peat, G., & Jordan, K. (2014). 45. Annual Consultation Incidence of Osteoarthritis Using Population-Based Healthcare Data in England. Rheumatology, 53(suppl_1), i72-i72.

Background: OA poses a major challenge to population health and healthcare services. Unlike several other countries, there are no published estimates of the consultation incidence of OA based on population-based health care data in England.

Method... Read More about 45. Annual Consultation Incidence of Osteoarthritis Using Population-Based Healthcare Data in England.

The clinical course of low back pain: a meta-analysis comparing outcomes in randomised clinical trials (RCTs) and observational studies. (2014)
Journal Article
Artus, M., Van Der Windt, D., Jordan, K. P., & Croft, P. R. (2014). The clinical course of low back pain: a meta-analysis comparing outcomes in randomised clinical trials (RCTs) and observational studies. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 15, Article 68.

BACKGROUND: Evidence suggests that the course of low back pain (LBP) symptoms in randomised clinical trials (RCTs) follows a pattern of large improvement regardless of the type of treatment. A similar pattern was independently observed in observation... Read More about The clinical course of low back pain: a meta-analysis comparing outcomes in randomised clinical trials (RCTs) and observational studies..

Long-term trajectories of back pain: Cohort study with 7-year follow-up (2013)
Journal Article
Campbell, P., Jordan, K., & Dunn, K. (2013). Long-term trajectories of back pain: Cohort study with 7-year follow-up. BMJ Open, 3(12), Article e003838.

OBJECTIVE: To describe long-term trajectories of back pain. DESIGN: Monthly data collection for 6 months at 7-year follow-up of participants in a prospective cohort study. SETTING: Primary care practices in Staffordshire, UK. PARTICIPANTS: 228 people... Read More about Long-term trajectories of back pain: Cohort study with 7-year follow-up.

Does attrition during follow-up of a population cohort study inevitably lead to biased estimates of health status? (2013)
Journal Article
Lacey, R. J., Jordan, K. P., & Croft, P. R. (2013). Does attrition during follow-up of a population cohort study inevitably lead to biased estimates of health status?. PloS one, e83948 - ?.

Attrition is a potential source of bias in cohort studies. Although attrition may be inevitable in cohort studies of older people, there is little empirical evidence as to whether bias due to such attrition is also inevitable. Anonymised primary care... Read More about Does attrition during follow-up of a population cohort study inevitably lead to biased estimates of health status?.

The role of pain, physical disability, and reduced social participation in insomnia onset in community dwelling older adults: a prospective cohort study (2013)
Journal Article
Tang, N. K. Y., McBeth, J., Jordan, K. P., Blagojevic-Bucknall, M., Croft, P., & Wilkie, R. (2013). The role of pain, physical disability, and reduced social participation in insomnia onset in community dwelling older adults: a prospective cohort study. The Lancet, 382(S3), S95.

Quality indicators for the primary care of osteoarthritis: a systematic review. (2013)
Edwards, J., Khanna, M., Jordan, K. P., Jordan, J. L., Bedson, J., & Dziedzic, K. S. (2013). Quality indicators for the primary care of osteoarthritis: a systematic review. Not commissioned

OBJECTIVE: To identify valid and feasible quality indicators for the primary care of osteoarthritis (OA). DESIGN: Systematic review and narrative synthesis. DATA SOURCES: Electronic reference databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, HMIC, PsychINFO), qual... Read More about Quality indicators for the primary care of osteoarthritis: a systematic review..

The epidemiology of self-reported intermenstrual and postcoital bleeding in the perimenopausal years. (2013)
Journal Article
Shapley, M., M, S., Blagojevic-Bucknall, M., M, B., Jordan, K. P., KP, J., …PR, C. (2013). The epidemiology of self-reported intermenstrual and postcoital bleeding in the perimenopausal years. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 120(11), 1348-1355.

To obtain estimates of the rates of occurrence and spontaneous resolution of intermenstrual and postcoital bleeding, and investigate any association with underlying malignancy.

Two-year prospective cohort study with medical reco... Read More about The epidemiology of self-reported intermenstrual and postcoital bleeding in the perimenopausal years..

Opioid use among low back pain patients in primary care: Is opioid prescription associated with disability at 6-month follow-up? (2013)
Journal Article
Ashworth, J., Green, D. J., Dunn, K. M., & Jordan, K. P. (2013). Opioid use among low back pain patients in primary care: Is opioid prescription associated with disability at 6-month follow-up?. PAIN, 1038 - 1044.

Opioid prescribing for chronic noncancer pain is increasing, but there is limited knowledge about longer-term outcomes of people receiving opioids for conditions such as back pain. This study aimed to explore the relationship between prescribed opioi... Read More about Opioid use among low back pain patients in primary care: Is opioid prescription associated with disability at 6-month follow-up?.