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Post Nominals Reader in Mental Health Nursing (Clinical Academic with MPUFT in the Position of Research and Innovation Honorary Consultant Nurse)
Biography Dr Gary Lamph is a 'Reader in Mental Health Nursing' in a joint clinical academic position between Keele University and MPFT. He holds the Position of 'Research and Innovation Honorary Consultant Nurse' at MPFT.

He is a Registered Mental Health Nurse and BABCP accredited Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist with over 25 year’s mental health clinical experience. He has worked across a wide range of mental health services, uniquely following new service developments in line with the policy led modernisation of mental health services and utilising evidence based psychological interventions. In 2011 Gary was the winner of the prestigious National Nursing Times Award in Mental Health, awarded for leading on the development of an innovative first of its kind in the UK, Multi-Agency Personality Disorder Strategy.

He is driven by a desire to influence and improve clinical service provisions. He has a passion and proven track record for working alongside people with lived experience and embedding co-produced involvement through meaningful collaborations to support service development, teaching and research initiatives he has led.
He has worked at a number of higher education institutions including the University of Salford as a Mental Health Lecturer, University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) as a Senior Research Fellow in Mental Health, where he was the Programme Director and led the development of the Northern Regional Offender Personality Disorder Higher Education Programme and more recently in a Research Active Senior Leadership Role where he held the position of Head of Mental Health and Learning Disability at Edge Hill University, Lancashire.

External Engagement

Gary holds a position at the Royal College of Nurses (RCN) as the expert representative for personality disorder and nursing psychological interventions, and executive member and Academic Chair for the British and Irish Group for the Study of Personality Disorder (BIGSPD). He is associate editor on three academic journals; The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, Personality and Mental Health, and the Journal of Forensic Practice and for the past three years has been external examiner for the post graduate cognitive behavioural therapy programme at the University College Cork, Ireland.

Gary is driven by a desire to make a difference, be part of something special by impacting positively on service provisions, educational health professional programmes, to enhance service provision, evidence-based practice and patient experience. Sharing his knowledge and experience to nurturing the enthusiasm of others is important to him, and he is always happy to discuss and offer guidance to clinical and academic colleagues about their career development, research / publication ideas and innovations.
Research Interests Research Involvement

Gary has had success in winning highly competitive innovation / enterprise bids and research bids, and expertise in developing and delivering innovative education programmes.

Gary’s research interests are largely focussed upon improving understanding and treatment experiences of people with personality disorder (complex emotional difficulties) and pedagogic research evaluations and he has a keen interest and active involvement in the 'Relational Practice Movement'.

He has held a National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship at the University of Manchester where his PhD focussed upon understanding complex and long-standing emotional needs in IAPT services. Subsequently he has led several mixed methods pedagogic evaluations of novel educational programmes, systematic / scoping study reviews and qualitative studies. He is part of an international research team where he was UK PI for an international Covid-19 survey study, with partners from Norway, USA, Australia and Zambia. He has also been co-applicant on three NIHR-HTA funded trials including; The Clinical Effectiveness and Cost Effectiveness of Clozapine for inpatients with Borderline Personality Disorder: Randomised controlled trial (CALMED trail), The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Structured Psychological Support for people with personality disorder (SPS trial): Randomised controlled trial and The clinical and cost effectiveness of quetiapine for people with borderline personality disorder: A pragmatic, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised trial (QUEST trial)
Teaching and Learning Gary is a trained and experienced mental health nursing educator, psychological therapies educators (Including Cognitive Behavioural Therapies) and an experienced personality disorder trainer who has led KUF implementation strategies, the development of the NHS northwest E-Learning programme for personality disorder awareness and more recently led the development of the Northern Regional Offender Personality Disorder (OPD) Higher Education Programme as Programme Director (2019-2022).

He also has a keen interest in workforce wellbeing and psychologically informed workforce initiatives and working in co-production / co-facilitation with people who have lived experience of service provisions
PhD Supervision Availability Yes
PhD Topics Open to PhD students from Nursing Background and people with an interest aligned to my current research and interest portfolio.