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Québec’s new regional fiction: Louise Penny and Johanne Seymour (2021)
Journal Article
Morgan. (2021). Québec’s new regional fiction: Louise Penny and Johanne Seymour. British Journal of Canadian Studies, 33(2), 225-240.

Louise Penny’s Still Life (2005) and Johanne Seymour’s Le Cri du cerf (2005) are both murder-mysteries set in the Eastern Townships, in south-eastern and south-central Québec. Much of the region borders the United States. To varying degrees, the bord... Read More about Québec’s new regional fiction: Louise Penny and Johanne Seymour.

A study of the copying, dissemination and collection of manuscript texts in early seventeenth century, with special reference to Chetham's Library MS A.4.15
(2012). A study of the copying, dissemination and collection of manuscript texts in early seventeenth century, with special reference to Chetham's Library MS A.4.15

This thesis presents a series of studies in early modern manuscript culture based on Chetham’s Library MS A.4.15 (MC15). These studies develop an understanding of the reception of texts in manuscripts through an analysis of their copying, disseminati... Read More about A study of the copying, dissemination and collection of manuscript texts in early seventeenth century, with special reference to Chetham's Library MS A.4.15.