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Asset price formation and behavioral biases (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). Asset price formation and behavioral biases. Review of Behavioural Finance, 137 -155.

The purpose of this paper is to examine the debate on whether psychology affects asset prices using agent-based modeling.

The authors set up three simulation regimes where the first regime contains fundamental... Read More about Asset price formation and behavioral biases.

Heading for disaster: the management of skill mix changes in the emergency services (2016)
Journal Article
Mather, K., & Seifert, R. (2016). Heading for disaster: the management of skill mix changes in the emergency services. Capital and Class, 3-22.

This article examines the impact on staff of state-imposed public sector reforms alongside austerity cuts since 2010 in the emergency services of England. We discuss the contextual imperatives for change in the police, fire and ambulance services whi... Read More about Heading for disaster: the management of skill mix changes in the emergency services.

The National Minimum Wage and the Substitutability Between Young and Old Workers in Low Paid Occupations (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). The National Minimum Wage and the Substitutability Between Young and Old Workers in Low Paid Occupations.

We study the effect of the National Minimum Wage (NMW) on the workforce age composition within the low paying sectors of the British economy. Our interest is in the degree of substitutability between labour inputs (young and old employees). We find e... Read More about The National Minimum Wage and the Substitutability Between Young and Old Workers in Low Paid Occupations.

Identifying the robust economic, geographical and political determinants of FDI: an Extreme Bounds Analysis (2016)
Journal Article
Chanegriha, M., Stewart, C., & Tsoukis, C. (2017). Identifying the robust economic, geographical and political determinants of FDI: an Extreme Bounds Analysis. Empirical Economics, 52(2), 759-776.

Understanding what determines Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows remains a primary concern of economists and policy makers; yet the uncertainty surrounding FDI theories and empirical approaches has created ambiguity regarding the determinants of... Read More about Identifying the robust economic, geographical and political determinants of FDI: an Extreme Bounds Analysis.

Targets and resources: a screening perspective (2016)
Journal Article
Sikdar. (2016). Targets and resources: a screening perspective. Managerial and Decision Economics, 471-489.

To secure funding for a project, an agent (informed about the project's type) announces a target output. The principal provides more generous resources for high targets but makes compensation tied to performance relative to the projection. The incent... Read More about Targets and resources: a screening perspective.

Accessible Modelling of Complexity in Health (AMoCH) and associated data flows: asthma as an exemplar (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). Accessible Modelling of Complexity in Health (AMoCH) and associated data flows: asthma as an exemplar. Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics, 433 - 438.

Background Modelling is an important part of information science. Models are abstractions of reality. We use models in the following contexts: (1) to describe the data and information flows in clinical practice to information scientists, (2) to compa... Read More about Accessible Modelling of Complexity in Health (AMoCH) and associated data flows: asthma as an exemplar.

The Fine Jewellery Industry: Corporate Responsibility Challenges and Institutional Forces Facing SMEs (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). The Fine Jewellery Industry: Corporate Responsibility Challenges and Institutional Forces Facing SMEs. Journal of Business Ethics, 681 - 699.

There has been limited coverage of the corporate responsibility (CR) practices of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the mainstream CR literature. Furthermore, there has been no systematic analysis of the responsibilities of the high value... Read More about The Fine Jewellery Industry: Corporate Responsibility Challenges and Institutional Forces Facing SMEs.