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Beyond the Mountains of Madness: Lovecraftian Cosmic Horror and Posthuman Creationism in Ridley Scott’s Prometheus (2012) (2015)
Journal Article
McWilliam. (2015). Beyond the Mountains of Madness: Lovecraftian Cosmic Horror and Posthuman Creationism in Ridley Scott’s Prometheus (2012)

The Engineer appears to have sacrificed his own life in order to seed a planet, indicating members of this race are willing to destroy themselves in the service of a greater cause. [...]while Prometheus embraces von Däniken's notion that alien interv... Read More about Beyond the Mountains of Madness: Lovecraftian Cosmic Horror and Posthuman Creationism in Ridley Scott’s Prometheus (2012).

'Ein weites Feld' as Post–Cold War Novel (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). 'Ein weites Feld' as Post–Cold War Novel. Novel: A Forum on Fiction, 190-207.

Günter Grass's novel Ein weites Feld caused a storm of controversy when it was published in Germany in 1995. There was an expectation that his first novel after the fall of the Berlin Wall would answer the question of what should now constitute a nat... Read More about 'Ein weites Feld' as Post–Cold War Novel.