Welcome to Keele Repository
The Keele Repository is intended to be an Open Access showcase for the published research output of the university. Whenever possible, refereed documents accepted for publication, or finished artistic compositions presented in public, will be made available here in full digital format, and hyperlinks to standard published versions will be provided.
eThesis Takedown Policy
This website provides access to electronic theses and dissertations (eTheses) submitted by students and researchers. While every effort is made to ensure that the content is accurate and in compliance with applicable copyright laws, if you believe that any eThesis or associated content infringes upon your copyright or intellectual property rights, please contact us immediately.
To request the removal of a thesis, please provide the following details:
- Your full name and contact information
- The title of the eThesis in question
- A clear description of the claim, including any relevant copyright or intellectual property rights you believe have been infringed
We will review your request promptly and take appropriate action, including the removal of the eThesis if necessary.
Please send your takedown requests to special.collections@keele.ac.uk