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Latest Additions

Transformative constitutionalism: Courts’ role in bridging the public-private divide of law and transforming African customary law (2025)
Journal Article
Gayoye, M. (in press). Transformative constitutionalism: Courts’ role in bridging the public-private divide of law and transforming African customary law. Oñati Socio-Legal Series,

African customary law (ACL) is an important legal system that regulates the lives of many people. The colonial origins of this body of law meant that it hasn’t always served the justice needs of Africans. Coloniality and Upendra Baxi’s postcolonial l... Read More about Transformative constitutionalism: Courts’ role in bridging the public-private divide of law and transforming African customary law.

Towards engineering manufacturing systems for mass personalisation: a stigmergic approach (2021)
Journal Article
Ogunsakin, R., Marin, C. A., & Mehandjiev, N. (2021). Towards engineering manufacturing systems for mass personalisation: a stigmergic approach. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 34(4), 341-369.

Mass personalisation is characterised by unpredicted changes in product design and manufacturing processes, as a result of customers’ ability to co-create and co-design products based on personal preferences. Previous approaches that address such unp... Read More about Towards engineering manufacturing systems for mass personalisation: a stigmergic approach.

Towards adaptive digital twins architecture (2023)
Journal Article
Ogunsakin, R., Mehandjiev, N., & Marin, C. A. (2023). Towards adaptive digital twins architecture. Computers in Industry, 149, Article 103920.

The use of Digital Twins (DTs) for continuously optimising manufacturing systems under a constant stream of changes, also known as ”online optimisation”, is taken for granted by many authors but rarely demonstrated possible given the challenges in ke... Read More about Towards adaptive digital twins architecture.

Factors influencing platform owners’ seller control choices in E-marketplaces (2025)
Journal Article
Danani, S., Behl, A., & Gupta, N. (2025). Factors influencing platform owners’ seller control choices in E-marketplaces. Information and Organization, 35(1), Article 100555.

Operating as micro-economies, electronic marketplace (EM) platforms connect numerous consumers and sellers and facilitate value-creating interactions. However, EM platform providers (platform owners)/ have limited authority over independent sellers,... Read More about Factors influencing platform owners’ seller control choices in E-marketplaces.

Visual Methods in Entrepreneurial Identity Research: Reflections from an Enterprise Educator Perspective (2023)
Book Chapter
Preedy, S., & McLuskie, P. (2023). Visual Methods in Entrepreneurial Identity Research: Reflections from an Enterprise Educator Perspective. In Nurturing Modalities of Inquiry in Entrepreneurship Research: Seeing the World Through the Eyes of Those Who Research (73-89). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Entrepreneurial identity is a complex concept. It has been recognised as a subjective and dynamic socio-cognitive factor which is not stable over time and is part of an iterative formation process. This chapter explores the journey of adopting, imple... Read More about Visual Methods in Entrepreneurial Identity Research: Reflections from an Enterprise Educator Perspective.