Characterization and structural determination of a new anti-MET function-blocking antibody with binding epitope distinct from the ligand binding domain.
Journal Article
DiCara, D. M., Chirgadze, D. Y., Pope, A. R., Karatt-Vellatt, A., Winter, A., Slavny, P., …McCafferty, J. (2017). Characterization and structural determination of a new anti-MET function-blocking antibody with binding epitope distinct from the ligand binding domain. Scientific reports, 9000 - ?.
The growth and motility factor Hepatocyte Growth Factor/Scatter Factor (HGF/SF) and its receptor, the product of the MET proto-oncogene, promote invasion and metastasis of tumor cells and have been considered potential targets for cancer therapy. We... Read More about Characterization and structural determination of a new anti-MET function-blocking antibody with binding epitope distinct from the ligand binding domain..