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Kepler Eclipsing Binary Stars. Vii. The Catalog Of Eclipsing Binaries Found In The Entire Kepler Data Set

Kirk, Brian; Conroy, Kyle; Prša, Andrej; Abdul-Masih, Michael; Kochoska, Angela; Matijevič, Gal; Hambleton, Kelly; Barclay, Thomas; Bloemen, Steven; Boyajian, Tabetha; Doyle, Laurance R.; Fulton, B.J.; Johannes Hoekstra, Abe; Jek, Kian; Kane, Stephen R.; Kostov, Veselin; Latham, David; Mazeh, Tsevi; Orosz, Jerome A.; Pepper, Joshua; Quarles, Billy; Ragozzine, Darin; Shporer, Avi; Southworth, John; Stassun, Keivan; Thompson, Susan E.; Welsh, William F.; Agol, Eric; Derekas, Aliz; Devor, Jonathan; Fischer, Debra; Green, Gregory; Gropp, Jeff; Jacobs, Tom; Johnston, Cole; Matthew LaCourse, Daryll; Saetre, Kristian; Schwengeler, Hans; Toczyski, Jacek; Werner, Griffin; Garrett, Matthew; Gore, Joanna; Martinez, Arturo O.; Spitzer, Isaac; Stevick, Justin; Thomadis, Pantelis C.; Halley Vrijmoet, Eliot; Yenawine, Mitchell; Batalha, Natalie; Borucki, William

Kepler Eclipsing Binary Stars. Vii. The Catalog Of Eclipsing Binaries Found In The Entire Kepler Data Set Thumbnail


Brian Kirk

Kyle Conroy

Andrej Prša

Michael Abdul-Masih

Angela Kochoska

Gal Matijevič

Kelly Hambleton

Thomas Barclay

Steven Bloemen

Tabetha Boyajian

Laurance R. Doyle

B.J. Fulton

Abe Johannes Hoekstra

Kian Jek

Stephen R. Kane

Veselin Kostov

David Latham

Tsevi Mazeh

Jerome A. Orosz

Joshua Pepper

Billy Quarles

Darin Ragozzine

Avi Shporer

Keivan Stassun

Susan E. Thompson

William F. Welsh

Eric Agol

Aliz Derekas

Jonathan Devor

Debra Fischer

Gregory Green

Jeff Gropp

Tom Jacobs

Cole Johnston

Daryll Matthew LaCourse

Kristian Saetre

Hans Schwengeler

Jacek Toczyski

Griffin Werner

Matthew Garrett

Joanna Gore

Arturo O. Martinez

Isaac Spitzer

Justin Stevick

Pantelis C. Thomadis

Eliot Halley Vrijmoet

Mitchell Yenawine

Natalie Batalha

William Borucki


The Kepler mission has provided unprecedented, nearly continuous photometric data of ~200,000 objects in the ~105 deg2 field of view (FOV) from the beginning of science operations in May of 2009 until the loss of the second reaction wheel in May of 2013. The Kepler Eclipsing Binary Catalog contains information including but not limited to ephemerides, stellar parameters, and analytical approximation fits for every known eclipsing binary system in the Kepler FOV. Using target pixel level data collected from Kepler in conjunction with the Kepler Eclipsing Binary Catalog, we identify false positives among eclipsing binaries, i.e., targets that are not eclipsing binaries themselves, but are instead contaminated by eclipsing binary sources nearby on the sky and show eclipsing binary signatures in their light curves. We present methods for identifying these false positives and for extracting new light curves for the true source of the observed binary signal. For each source, we extract three separate light curves for each quarter of available data by optimizing the signal-to-noise ratio, the relative percent eclipse depth, and the flux eclipse depth. We present 289 new eclipsing binaries in the Kepler FOV that were not targets for observation, and these have been added to the catalog.


Kirk, B., Conroy, K., Prša, A., Abdul-Masih, M., Kochoska, A., Matijevič, G., …Borucki, W. (2016). Kepler Eclipsing Binary Stars. Vii. The Catalog Of Eclipsing Binaries Found In The Entire Kepler Data Set. Astronomical Journal, 151(3), Article 68.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 9, 2016
Online Publication Date Feb 23, 2016
Publication Date Mar 28, 2016
Publicly Available Date May 26, 2023
Journal Astronomical Journal
Print ISSN 0004-6256
Publisher American Astronomical Society
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 151
Issue 3
Article Number 68
Keywords binaries, eclipsing; catalogs, methods, analytical, data analysis, statistical techniques, photometric, astrophysics
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