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KIC 7582608: a new Kepler roAp star with frequency variability

Holdsworth, D.L.; Smalley, B.; Kurtz, D.W.; Southworth, J.; Cunha, M.S.; Clubb, K.I.

KIC 7582608: a new Kepler roAp star with frequency variability Thumbnail


D.L. Holdsworth

D.W. Kurtz

M.S. Cunha

K.I. Clubb


We analyse the fifth roAp star reported in the Kepler field, KIC 7582608, discovered with the SuperWASP project. The object shows a high frequency pulsation at 181.7324d-1 (P = 7.9 min) with an amplitude of 1.45 mmag, and low frequency rotational modulation corresponding to a period of 20.4339 d. Spectral analysis confirms the Ap nature of the target, with characteristic lines of rare earth elements present. From our spectral observations we derive a lower limit on the mean magnetic field modulus of <B> =3.05 ± 0.23 kG. Long Cadence Kepler observations show a frequency quintuplet split by the rotational period of the star, typical for an oblique pulsator. We suggest the star is a quadrupole pulsator with a geometry such that i ~ 66° and ß ~ 33°. We detect frequency variations of the pulsation in both the WASP and Kepler data sets on many time scales. Linear, non-adiabatic stability modelling allows us to constrain a region on the HR diagram where the pulsations are unstable, an area consistent with observations.


Holdsworth, D., Smalley, B., Kurtz, D., Southworth, J., Cunha, M., & Clubb, K. (2014, July). KIC 7582608: a new Kepler roAp star with frequency variability. Poster presented at The Space Photometry Revolution – CoRoT Symposium 3, Kepler KASC-7 Joint Meeting, Toulouse, France

Presentation Conference Type Poster
Conference Name The Space Photometry Revolution – CoRoT Symposium 3, Kepler KASC-7 Joint Meeting
Conference Location Toulouse, France
Start Date Jul 6, 2014
End Date Jul 11, 2014
Publicly Available Date May 26, 2023
Publisher Società Italiana di Fisica
Series Title EPJ Web of Conferences
Publisher URL
Additional Information POSTER SESSION


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