Farida G Henriette
Family responsibilities, obligations, and commitment in the Seychelles
Henriette, Farida G
Emma Head
Clare Holdsworth
Drawing on a small-scale qualitative study, this thesis examines family relations in post-colonial Seychelles. The Seychelles is considered a post-colonial society because it used to be a colony. The aim of this qualitative research, using an interpretive epistemology, is to explore family responsibilities, obligations, and commitment in the Seychelles, and how this varies for different generations and genders. Semi-structured interviews and vignettes were used to gather data from forty participants who consented to take part in the research. The analysis of the data revealed that there are different types of family structures and they are in flux. Post-colonial societies have certain common characteristics and the analysis of the data revealed that the racial, power and gender characteristics common to such societies can be found in the Seychellois Creole family. The analysis revealed that gender is more important than the other characteristics which post-colonial writers have written about and that several family practices are considered as gendered practices. This include the care of the elderly. The analysis also revealed that there are certain family responsibilities that are considered more important than others which include the care of children, the sick and the elderly, and helping each other. The findings showed that obligations within family relationships are not necessarily negotiated – there is more of an expectation. The findings also revealed that commitment is developed through the idea of reciprocity and commitment is then displayed through the support that exists between family members and through intergenerational solidarity – where care of the elderly is provided, usually by the adult daughter.
This thesis contributes to discourses about family life, obligations, duties, commitment, generation, racism, gender, care, and post-colonialism. In its novelty, it brings new knowledge to family relationships on small post-colonial island states and acts as an impetus for future sociological research.
Henriette, F. G. (2018). Family responsibilities, obligations, and commitment in the Seychelles. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/411147
Thesis Type | Thesis |
Publicly Available Date | May 26, 2023 |
Keywords | family, responsibilities, obligations, duties, commitment, the Seychelles, gender, care, post-colonialism |
Public URL | https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/411147 |
Award Date | 2018-06 |
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