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The Influence of “Cimmerian” Exhumation on the Hydrocarbon Potential of the Southwest Approaches, Offshore NW Europe.

Henderson, R; Clarke, SM; Imber, J; Egan, SS; Daniels, S; England, R; Holdsworth, B; Moore, J; McCaffrey, K; Selby, D; Jones, S; Lee, J; Stricker, S

The Influence of “Cimmerian” Exhumation on the Hydrocarbon Potential of the Southwest Approaches, Offshore NW Europe. Thumbnail


R Henderson

J Imber

S Daniels

R England

B Holdsworth

J Moore

K McCaffrey

D Selby

S Jones

J Lee

S Stricker


Conference abstract.


Henderson, R., Clarke, S., Imber, J., Egan, S., Daniels, S., England, R., …Stricker, S. (2018, May). The Influence of “Cimmerian” Exhumation on the Hydrocarbon Potential of the Southwest Approaches, Offshore NW Europe. Presented at AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah

Conference Name AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition
Conference Location Salt Lake City, Utah
Start Date May 20, 2018
End Date May 23, 2018
Series Title AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 20-23, 2018


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