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The geography of petrol retailing in the North-West Midlands

The geography of petrol retailing in the North-West Midlands Thumbnail


This dissertation attempts the spatial analysis of’petrol retailing in one sector of the U*K. during a particularly difficult marketing period between 1973 and 1977» la order to achieve the major aim, the identification of viability, all outlets are classified by function and are allocated qualitative scores in terms of their locational factors and site-attributes. Their approximate thresholds are calculated and matched with, their annual sales so that viable stations may be recognised. It should be stressed that the concern is entirely with the retailing of petrol, and excludes any consideration of allied activities such as repairs or sales of vehicles.
The dissertation is in the field of Retail Geography, being placed in context during the course of the first chapter. Although many retailing activities have been studied elsewhere in both regional and spatial settings, it is believed that this is the first attempt to analyse petrol retailing in this manner.
The national development of the activity from its origins at the end of the nineteenth century to the present time is described, following which the evolution of outlets in the North-west Midlands is considered. It will be demonstrated that the study-area may be regarded as typical of the country in general as the development and evolution of its retail petrol network closely mirrors that of the nation.
The 1977 network is subjected to statistical measurement, especially in terms of the spacing of outlets, whilst brand representation is also considered as a manifestation of oompany policies. Discounting, so prevalent in recent years, is examined in its spatial connotation.
The period covered by this dissertation is undoubtedly the most competitive in the whole history of petrol retailing, having experienced rationalisation on a hitherto unprecedented scale. Petrol sales are rapidly becoming increasingly concentrated in the control of the supplier companies.


(1980). The geography of petrol retailing in the North-West Midlands


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