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Challenges to concordance: theories that explain variations in patient responses.





To meet the challenges of an increasingly ageing and multimorbid population, patients must be fully engaged to work in partnership with their health professional (HP) in the management of their condition(s). The NHS Long Term Plan (2019) outlines goals to manage the increasing demands on the health service-hospital admission avoidance, shorter length of hospital stays through enhanced recovery pathways, increased management of patients within primary care and ensuring a person-centred approach to care provision. Meeting these goals is predicated on HPs being equipped to activate patients using the skills of motivational interviewing, person-centred care and a willingness to share decision making. This article presents a range of psychological theories that could explain the everyday challenges faced in care delivery. Awareness of these theories may help HPs target their approach to care delivery more effectively, to understand patient responses and, therefore, optimise the provision of person-centred care.


Green. (2019). Challenges to concordance: theories that explain variations in patient responses. British Journal of Community Nursing, 466 -473.

Acceptance Date Oct 11, 2019
Publication Date Oct 11, 2019
Journal British Journal of Community Nursing
Print ISSN 1462-4753
Publisher Mark Allen Healthcare
Pages 466 -473
Keywords concordance, decision making, person-centred care, psychological theories, self-management
Publisher URL


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