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The division of France, 1789-1792, with special reference to Aunis and Saintonge
In Chapter One the breakdown of local administration in France during the summer of 1789 is observed. The process by which the Assemblee nationale came to consider creation of new circumscriptions for electoral and administrative purposes is traced. The report of the
comtie de constitution on the division of France is discussed, the influence of Sieyes upon it examined, and the passage through the legislature of measures projected in it viewed. Consideration is given to exchanges between Thouret and Mirabeau which elucidate motives behind the committee's proposals. The decrees creating a new geographical structure, the method by which they were effected, and the course that this took are followed. Utilisation of new circumscriptions in the ecclesiastical and judicial organisations which came to be formed is examined. In Chapter two the manoeuvrings, deals, and compromises of representatives of communities in the centre-west of France which resulted in a single departement being created in Aunis and Saintonge are observed, as are ones of representatives of communities within the two provinces which resulted in the decision of the aassemblee nationale to alternate departmental administrative establishments between Saintes, Saint-Jean-d'Angely, and La Rochelle unless the first electoral
assembly of the departement chose to recommend that they be placed permanently at a single location. The form of the external delimitations and of the internal boundary structure of what became the departement of Charente-Inferieure is studied. Reaction at La Rochelle to the decree forming the departement is seen, and the decision of the electoral assembly to recommend placement of all establishments at Saintes observed. The work of the new departmental and district authorities in clarifying details on the delimitations of Charente-Inferieure with contiguous departements, in making changes to the internal boundary structure, and in suppressing and unifying municipalities and parishes is examined.
(1983). The division of France, 1789-1792, with special reference to Aunis and Saintonge
Publicly Available Date | Jun 16, 2023 |
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