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A Standing Investment Court under TTIP from the Perspective of the Court of Justice of the European Union


This article critically assesses the feasibility of the recently proposed Investment Court System (ICS) under the envisaged Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), from the perspective of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). It is argued that an ex ante assessment of the ICS by the CJEU would likely result in several incompatibilities between the ICS and EU law, since insufficient safeguards exist guaranteeing that the ICS will not interfere with EU fundamental rights and the CJEU’s exclusive jurisdiction to deliver binding interpretations of EU law. Moreover, it is not yet certain whether an incompatibility exists with Article 344 TFEU or with substantive EU values. Furthermore, no preliminary reference mechanism is envisaged with a binding ruling of the CJEU and even if such a system were included, it is uncertain whether the ICS could refer a question to the CJEU.


(2016). A Standing Investment Court under TTIP from the Perspective of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Journal of World Investment and Trade, 701 -742.

Acceptance Date Sep 28, 2016
Publication Date Sep 28, 2016
Journal The Journal of World Investment & Trade
Print ISSN 1660-7112
Publisher Brill Academic Publishers
Pages 701 -742
Keywords TTIP, Investment Court System, compatibility with EU Law, ex ante review
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