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Marginality, identity and politicisation of the Bhangi community, Delhi.

Marginality, identity and politicisation of the Bhangi community, Delhi. Thumbnail


This research is about the Bhangi community of Old City of Delhi. Bhangis are the hereditary sweepers/scavengers in India. They are the ex-untouchables in the traditional caste system. The caste society is a form of stratification system where social Inequality is structured and given legitimacy by the values of the advantaged sections of society. Bhangis have a very low place in the Hindu social order. They are below the pollution line and, therefore, outside the Hindu fold. However, they co-exist with caste Hindus and other religious communities as they do jobs which though dirty and Polluting are essential for the smooth functioning of society. Bhangis are low paid and poor. Culturally, they have remained beyond the pale of Hindu Sanskritic Great Tradition, and have existed as part of the preliterate local Little Tradition. Their socialeconomic and cultural marginality is reflected In their peripheral settlement pattern.
This study is about the various aspects of socio-cultural and economic marginality of Bhangis, their stigmatised identity and their efforts to escape from their marginal situation by bringing about changes in their status. The awareness of exploitation and deprivation has led to unionisation and Politicisation within the ambit of the democratic processes in India.


(1987). Marginality, identity and politicisation of the Bhangi community, Delhi


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