Chiara Maria Petrone
Magma recharge and mush rejuvenation drive paroxysmal activity at Stromboli volcano
Maria Petrone, Chiara; Mollo, Silvio; Gertisser, Ralf; Buret, Yannick; Scarlato, Piergiorgio; Del Bello, Elisabetta; Andronico, Daniele; Ellis, Ben; Pontesilli, Alessio; De Astis, Gianfilippo; Paolo Giacomoni, Pier; Coltorti, Massimo; Reagan, Mark
Silvio Mollo
Dr Ralf Gertisser
Yannick Buret
Piergiorgio Scarlato
Elisabetta Del Bello
Daniele Andronico
Ben Ellis
Alessio Pontesilli
Gianfilippo De Astis
Pier Paolo Giacomoni
Massimo Coltorti
Mark Reagan
Open-conduit basaltic volcanoes can be characterised by sudden large explosive events (paroxysms) that interrupt normal effusive and mild explosive activity. In June-August 2019, one major explosion and two paroxysms occurred at Stromboli volcano (Italy) within only 64 days. Here, via a multifaceted approach using clinopyroxene, we show arrival of mafic recharges up to a few days before the onset of these events and their effects on the eruption pattern at Stromboli, as a prime example of a persistently active, open-conduit basaltic volcano. Our data indicate a rejuvenated Stromboli plumbing system where the extant crystal mush is efficiently permeated by recharge magmas with minimum remobilisation promoting a direct linkage between the deeper and the shallow reservoirs that sustains the currently observed larger variability of eruptive behaviour. Our approach provides vital insights into magma dynamics and their effects on monitoring signals demonstrating the power of petrological studies in interpreting patterns of surficial activity.
Maria Petrone, C., Mollo, S., Gertisser, R., Buret, Y., Scarlato, P., Del Bello, E., …Reagan, M. (2022). Magma recharge and mush rejuvenation drive paroxysmal activity at Stromboli volcano. Nature communications, 13(1), Article 7717.
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Nov 30, 2022 |
Publication Date | Dec 13, 2022 |
Journal | Nature Communications |
Print ISSN | 2041-1723 |
Volume | 13 |
Issue | 1 |
Article Number | 7717 |
DOI | |
Publisher URL | |
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