S Luetchens
Understanding current UK practice for the incidental identification of vertebral fragility fractures from CT scans: an expert elicitation study
Luetchens, S; Cootes, TF; Payne, K; Dalal, G; Bromiley, PA; Kariki, E
TF Cootes
K Payne
G Dalal
PA Bromiley
E Kariki
Background There is an emerging interest in using automated approaches to enable the incidental identifcation of vertebral
fragility fractures (VFFs) on existing medical images visualising the spine.
Aim To quantify values, and the degree of uncertainty associated with them, for the incidental identifcation of VFFs from
computed tomography (CT) scans in current practice.
Methods An expert elicitation exercise was conducted to generate point estimates and measures of uncertainty for four values
representing the probability of: VFF being correctly reported by the radiologist; the absence of VFF being correctly assessed
by the radiologist; being referred for management when a VFF is identifed; having a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry
(DXA) scan after general practitioner (GP) referral. Data from a sample of seven experts in the diagnosis and management
of people with VFFs were pooled using mathematical aggregation.
Results The estimated mean values for each probability parameter were: VFF being correctly reported by the radiolo?gist=0.25 (standard deviation (SD): 0.21); absence of VFF being correctly assessed by the radiologist=0.89 (0.10); being
referred for management when a VFF is identifed by the radiologist=0.15 (0.12); having a DXA scan after GP referral=0.66
Discussion These estimates could be used to facilitate the subsequent early economic evaluation of potential new approaches
to improve the health outcomes of people with VFFs.
Conclusion In the absence of epidemiological studies, this study produced point estimates and measures of uncertainty for
key parameters needed to describe current pathways for the incidental diagnosis of VFFs
Luetchens, S., Cootes, T., Payne, K., Dalal, G., Bromiley, P., & Kariki, E. (2022). Understanding current UK practice for the incidental identification of vertebral fragility fractures from CT scans: an expert elicitation study. Aging clinical and experimental research, 1909 - 1918. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40520-022-02124-w
Acceptance Date | Mar 21, 2022 |
Publication Date | Aug 1, 2022 |
Journal | Aging Clinical and Experimental Research |
Print ISSN | 1594-0667 |
Publisher | Springer Verlag |
Pages | 1909 - 1918 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1007/s40520-022-02124-w |
Keywords | Incidental identifcation; Expert elicitation; Vertebral fragility fractures; Osteoporosis; Artifcial intelligence; Diagnosis; Prevention; CT; Radiological |
Publisher URL | http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40520-022-02124-w |
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