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Increasing magnetite contents of polymeric magnetic particles dramatically improves labeling of neural stem cell transplant populations.

Adams, CF; Rai, A; Sneddon, G; Yiu, HHP; Polyak, B; Chari, DM


CF Adams

A Rai

G Sneddon


B Polyak


Safe and efficient delivery of therapeutic cells to sites of injury/disease in the central nervous system is a key goal for the translation of clinical cell transplantation therapies. Recently, 'magnetic cell localization strategies' have emerged as a promising and safe approach for targeted delivery of magnetic particle (MP) labeled stem cells to pathology sites. For neuroregenerative applications, this approach is limited by the lack of available neurocompatible MPs, and low cell labeling achieved in neural stem/precursor populations. We demonstrate that high magnetite content, self-sedimenting polymeric MPs [unfunctionalized poly(lactic acid) coated, without a transfecting component] achieve efficient labeling (≥90\%) of primary neural stem cells (NSCs)-a 'hard-to-label' transplant population of major clinical relevance. Our protocols showed high safety with respect to key stem cell regenerative parameters. Critically, labeled cells were effectively localized in an in vitro flow system by magnetic force highlighting the translational potential of the methods used.


Adams, C., Rai, A., Sneddon, G., Yiu, H., Polyak, B., & Chari, D. (2015). Increasing magnetite contents of polymeric magnetic particles dramatically improves labeling of neural stem cell transplant populations. Nanomedicine, 11, 19--29.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2015
Deposit Date May 31, 2023
Journal Nanomedicine
Print ISSN 1743-5889
Electronic ISSN 1549-9642
Publisher Future Medicine
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 11
Pages 19--29
Keywords Labeling, Magnetic cell targeting, Neural stem cells, Polymeric magnetic particles, Transplant cells, Animals, Biocompatible Materials, Cell Differentiation, Cell Proliferation, Humans, Lactic Acid, Magnetics, Magnetite Nanoparticles, Nanomedicine, Neural Stem Cells, Neurons, Polyesters, Polymers, Regeneration, Stem Cell Transplantation
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