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Future-Proofing Geography Teaching and Learning Using Remote Learning and Co-Creation Approaches

Mercer, Theresa G.; Kythreotis, Andrew P.; Kelly, Hannah; Robinson, Zoe P.; George, Sharon M.; Sands, David


Theresa G. Mercer

Andrew P. Kythreotis

Hannah Kelly

Sharon M. George

David Sands


This chapter examines the application of new geography pedagogic practices in relation to remote teaching and learning. The authors report how the co-creation of knowledge between students and lecturers through existing research projects (with a particular focus on disciplinary-based educational research) can still occur through remote learning. Through a case study example of geography teaching practice, they contribute to the pedagogic literature on digital online learning as a form of co-creation between lecturer and students, showing how students were still able to demonstrate their geographical knowledge in a very applied and real-world context despite the move to remote learning. The application of co-creation in these applied contexts demonstrates that the applied perspectives of geographical knowledge can still be delivered through remote learning. They conclude by discussing how applied and critical geography teaching can be delivered and future-proofed in higher education settings, regardless of unforeseen circumstances.


Mercer, T. G., Kythreotis, A. P., Kelly, H., Robinson, Z. P., George, S. M., & Sands, D. (2022). Future-Proofing Geography Teaching and Learning Using Remote Learning and Co-Creation Approaches. In Didactic Strategies and Resources for Innovative Geography Teaching (102-115). IGI Global.

Publication Date Jun 10, 2022
Deposit Date May 31, 2023
Publisher IGI Global
Pages 102-115
Book Title Didactic Strategies and Resources for Innovative Geography Teaching
Public URL