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4-D Hippocampus Measurements of Neurite Growth in vitro

Dempsey, K.P.; Lam, K.P.; Smith, W.A.; Collins, D.J.; Jones, D.J. Mazzocchi; Yang, Y.; Richardson, J.B.


K.P. Dempsey

K.P. Lam

W.A. Smith

D.J. Collins

J.B. Richardson


Current research in neural tissue engineering relies heavily on in vivo animal models of neurological injury. This has a number of major drawbacks. Using innovative imaging technologies and allied data analytics, this paper presents our current work on analysing advanced 3-D models of the hippocampal circuitry, using a laminar 3-D network of orthogonally orientated nanoscale fibres constructed within a 3-D collagen gel matrix. Preliminary work on primary animal neuronal cells was able to reveal the complex responses of the neuronal cells to chemical attachment factors and topographical cues present in the in vivo-like environment of the constructed 3-D scaffold. Results suggest that the approach has validity and has helped in defining important parameters for future investigations.


Dempsey, K., Lam, K., Smith, W., Collins, D., Jones, D. M., Yang, Y., & Richardson, J. (2014). 4-D Hippocampus Measurements of Neurite Growth in vitro. .

Conference Name 2014 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT)
Conference Location Xi'an, China
Start Date Sep 11, 2014
End Date Sep 13, 2014
Online Publication Date Dec 15, 2014
Publication Date 2014-09
Deposit Date Jun 7, 2023
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)